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  1. Confluence Data Center
  2. CONFSERVER-20774

Pages with toc macro do not fully render after restoring Site or Space XML backup



      After an upgrade through Site XML backup or after importing Space XML backup, any page that has a toc macro in it will not fully render (stops at the toc) until it has been resaved (click edit, then save, no changes made or show in history).

      This appears to happen consistently to any page that has a toc macro in it, after the XML import, regardless of any other content on the page.

      Mirror bug report: https://studio.plugins.atlassian.com/browse/TOC-112

      1. Please do a complete database backup before proceed, as the workaround will alter Confluence database directly.
      2. Stop Confluence.
      3. Please run the following SQL query:
        DELETE FROM OS_PROPERTYENTRY WHERE entity_key LIKE '%net.customware.confluence.plugin.toc%';
      4. Restart Confluence.

        1. 152203-2.xml.zip
          4.90 MB
          Joe Clark

            Unassigned Unassigned
            d169f61b04d0 Jason Ewasiuk
            9 Vote for this issue
            8 Start watching this issue
