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  1. Confluence Data Center
  2. CONFSERVER-16425

Searching Chinese word in Microsoft Word attachments sometimes doesn't work


      I created two sample files as attached to reproduce this issue.

      Test1.doc contains less characters and it can be searched/indexed properly.

      Test2.doc contains more characters (add a new line) so that its content cannot be searched/indexed.

      If a document contains ASCII characters only, there would be no problem.

        1. log.txt
          13 kB
        2. screenshot-index browser for Test1.doc.jpg
          screenshot-index browser for Test1.doc.jpg
          208 kB
        3. screenshot-index browser for Test2.doc.jpg
          screenshot-index browser for Test2.doc.jpg
          156 kB
        4. Test1.doc
          27 kB
        5. Test2.doc
          27 kB

            Unassigned Unassigned
            ca5c1e9c2bbf Kenny Jin
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