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  1. Confluence Data Center
  2. CONFSERVER-12930

Styles are lost in Confluence Digest mail (Confluence Changes in the last 24 hours)


      Some email clients will display daily changes mails without styling. The email clients include Lotus Notes, and any client that cannot connect directly to the Confluence server, either due to inability of the client, or lack of network connectivity.

      The styles broken in those clients because they come from a linked stylesheet rather than being inlined. Note that this is approximately the same bug as CONF-11996 but just for daily changes emails. The fix for CONF-11996 neglected those particular mails.

      The offending stylesheet link is:

          <base href="http://localhost:8080">
                  <link rel="stylesheet" href="http://localhost:8080/s/1415/1/1/_/styles/combined.css?forWysiwyg=true" type="text/css">

        1. 2003vs2007.jpg
          103 kB
          Paul M. Goorskis
        2. Microsoft Outlook 2003 Daily Digest Forwarded.jpg
          234 kB
          Matt Warman
        3. Microsoft Outlook 2003 Daily Digest Missing Pages & Comments.jpg
          216 kB
          Matt Warman

            drichard David Richard (Inactive)
            rhartono Roy Hartono [Atlassian]
            20 Vote for this issue
            18 Start watching this issue
