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  1. Confluence Data Center
  2. CONFSERVER-10612

Trusted authentication with Jiraissues macro doesn't work for users with uppercase usernames




      Trying to use the trusted authentication feature of the Jiraissues macro doesn't work when a user's username is uppercase. JIRA shows the following in its log:

      2008-01-23 13:59:48,104 INFO [STDOUT] 2008-01-23 13:59:48,104 ajp- WARN [atlassian.seraph.filter.TrustedApplicationsFilter] User 'BOB' referenced by trusted application: 'confluence:7521898' is not found.

      To reproduce:

      1. Have an LDAP repository with a username with uppercase letters, BOB. The LDAP server should do case-insensitive authentication, like in Active Directory.
      2. Connect Confluence and JIRA to the LDAP repository. JIRA for authentication only via OSUser, Confluence via Atlassian-User.
      3. Set up a local user for 'bob' in JIRA, which must be lowercase because all JIRA usernames must be lowercase.
      4. Log in to Confluence as 'bob' (or 'BOB', it doesn't matter). Confluence creates the user as 'BOB', because it respects the case of the underlying system.
      5. Use an authenticated {jiraissues} macro to retrieve issues from JIRA as 'BOB'.
      6. The above error message appears in the JIRA log, which can't authenticate 'BOB'.

      I'm opening this issue in Confluence to start with, although perhaps in the end it will be fixed in JIRA.

      Note that the most common case for installations using trusted authentication is with an external user repository like LDAP, so this is a serious problem for the trusted authentication feature.


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              Unassigned Unassigned
              matt@atlassian.com Matt Ryall
              2 Vote for this issue
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