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  1. Confluence Cloud
  2. CONFCLOUD-74921

Improve handling of unsupported macros added to comments


    • 1
    • Our product teams collect and evaluate feedback from a number of different sources. To learn more about how we use customer feedback in the planning process, check out our new feature policy.


      In Confluence, when a comment has unsupported content (I.E. macros that cannot be added manually; macros added to them prior to migration from Server to Cloud), the following error message is displayed:

      This content cannot be displayed as it was created in a legacy version of Confluence and is unsupported.

      This can happen via the following scenarios:

      • If we use the Confluence Cloud API to update content and point it toward the ID of a comment, manually adding a macro that is only available in pages.
      • If Confluence is migrated from Server, containing macros that cannot be added in comments only in Cloud.


      Due to this being a generic message that also avoids the comment's content to be fetched, this is a suggestion to:

      • Improve the error message stating that there is unsupported content in the comment and what is the unsupported content.
      • Provide a method for the user to get the comment's content.
      • Block the API to add a macro that is not supported in comments.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            gdecampos Giuliano C.
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