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  1. Confluence Cloud
  2. CONFCLOUD-40256

exportSite not exporting data



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      NOTE: This suggestion is for Confluence Cloud. Using Confluence Server? See the corresponding suggestion.

      Get the following error:

      Downloading of exported zip has been disabled, export aborted. Set 'admin.ui.allow.manual.backup.download' in confluence.cfg.xml to true to enable download.

      The export should still occur and say the file name of the export file in the backups directory even if the flag is not set.

      Here is the statement from the docs - https://developer.atlassian.com/confdev/confluence-rest-api/confluence-xml-rpc-and-soap-apis/remote-confluence-methods:

      String exportSite(String token, boolean exportAttachments) - exports a Confluence instance and returns a String holding the URL for the download. The boolean argument indicates whether or not attachments ought to be included in the export. This method respects the property admin.ui.allow.manual.backup.download (as described on this page in confluence documentation); if the property is not set, or is set to false, this method will not return the download link, but instead return a string containing the actual path on the server where the export is located.

      It would be fine if there were a REST API that worked.


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              Unassigned Unassigned
              bob.swift@charter.net Bob Swift OSS (Bob Swift Atlassian Apps)
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