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  1. Confluence Cloud
  2. CONFCLOUD-35384

Excerpt Macro show more-info-link



    • 1
    • Our product teams collect and evaluate feedback from a number of different sources. To learn more about how we use customer feedback in the planning process, check out our new feature policy.


      NOTE: This suggestion is for Confluence Cloud. Using Confluence Server? See the corresponding suggestion.

      This is a feature suggestion.

      I would like the excerpt macro include settings to have an option to type a text that will link to the original exerpt-macro page.
      That way the user read the exerpt and if he wants to read the whole original excerpt page he just have to click on the link below/or-above button/text

      Otherwise I have to create the excerpt-include and write myself a text below it "click here for more info" and make it a link to where the exerpt is getting its content.

      One problem with this is that I am using Brikit, and this link I have created does not take me to a TAB where this excerpt-macro was located. It just takes me to the start of that page. So I have to look to the tab where the excerpt came from. Therefor I may think that the "link for more info" took me to the wrong content-page.

      For example:

      My text, My text, My text, My text, My text, My text, My text
      My textMy textMy textMy textMy textMy textMy textMy text
      "exerpt text here, exerpt text here, exerpt text here, exerpt text here
      exerpt text hereexerpt text hereexerpt text hereexerpt text here"
      click here to visit the original exerpt page

      My text, My text, My text, My text, My text, My text, My text
      My textMy textMy textMy textMy textMy textMy textMy text

      You could have two modes for showing this text-with-link. One located on the frame of the exerpt. And one below-end/above-start the exerpt if no frame is used.

      You could also have instead of a "text with the link" an option to just use a tiny button ( with the default-text "info" or "?" or "more").


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