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  1. Bamboo Data Center
  2. BAM-5394

Recent Builds display implies only 15 builds have ever run on the agent


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: Low Low
    • 2.6 M5, 2.6
    • 2.5.1
    • User Interface
    • None

      As described in BAM-5337 the Recent Builds tab of the viewAgent.action only ever displays the most recent 15 builds. However, it suggests to me as a user that the agent has only run 15 builds. The strongest misleading hint is the pagination.

      It says 1-15 of 15 and has disabled buttons for navigating to other pages. Why would those buttons be there if it is impossible for there to be more than 15 builds?

      Please either allow more pages to be displayed or remove the pagination button.
      Adding text saying "The 15 most recent builds" somewhere on the screen would also be helpful.

            mgardias Marcin Gardias
            don.willis@atlassian.com Don Willis
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