Running the latest snapshots of maven 3 is not able to produce any kind of succesful build. This is probably because the text at the end of the build has changed somewhat:
02-Dec-2009 12:15:55 [INFO] BUILD SUCCESSFUL
02-Dec-2009 12:15:55 [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
02-Dec-2009 12:15:55 [INFO] Total time: 1 minute 32 seconds
02-Dec-2009 12:15:55 [INFO] Finished at: Wed Dec 02 12:15:55 CET 2009
02-Dec-2009 12:15:55 [INFO] Final Memory: 189M/2615M
02-Dec-2009 12:15:55 [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
02-Dec-2009 21:33:21 [INFO] BUILD SUCCESS
02-Dec-2009 21:33:21 [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
02-Dec-2009 21:33:21 [INFO] Total time: 1:03.499s
02-Dec-2009 21:33:21 [INFO] Finished at: Wed Dec 02 21:33:21 CET 2009
02-Dec-2009 21:33:22 [INFO] Final Memory: 151M/2073M
02-Dec-2009 21:33:22 [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
02-Dec-2009 21:33:22 Build process for 'Consumer Personal Builds - UNIT EXP' returned with return code = 0