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  1. Bamboo Data Center
  2. BAM-4093

Add Elastic Instance hostname/IP address to REST API for listRunningInstances.action


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      My use case is starting my elastic instances in the morning and shutting down in the evening because my load requirements follow that pattern. Theoretically BAM-3078 and BAM-3077 will achieve this.

      I can script the starting up and shutting down of my instances today, but experimentation has shown that the EBS volume creation and mounting is not reliable, especially when multiple instances are started at once. I can ssh into the instances and see if the ebs volume was mounted, but I need the IP address of the machine first.

      Currently the REST API can't help me since it returns only this sort of thing:


      To get what I want I have to either scrape the screen, hack bamboo or use the AWS API to determine the hostname in a separate remote call.

            bmccoy bmccoy
            chris@atlassian.com Chris Mountford
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                Original Estimate - 10m
                Remaining Estimate - 10m
                Time Spent - Not Specified
                Not Specified