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  1. Bamboo Data Center
  2. BAM-25762

Submodule repository checkout option "SSH key applies to submodules" does not work for windows remote agent.



      When using source code checkout task for bitbucket repository with submodules in bamboo on Windows(with windows remote agent), the source code checkout task for submodule fails when SSH key applies to submodules option is enabled in the bamboo linked repository.

      How to Replicate

      1. Install Bamboo on windows machine and configure windows remote agent(with git capability).
      2. Create a repository in bitbucket server with submodule/submodules.
      3. Link the bitbucket repository with use submodule and SSH key applies to submodules options enabled.
      4. Make sure the .gitmodule file URL has absolute path for the submodule repository and not relative path.(generally default is absolute path)
      5. Create a build job with source code checkout task for the repository.
      6. Source code checkout task which makes use of the temp key copied from bamboo server fails for the submodule git checkout task with below error:
         Load key "C:\\Windows\\Temp\\pkey5326356327362343169.tmp": error in libcrypto 


      Source code checkout task for the submodule repository should be successful.


      • Disable the option SSH key applies to submodules in the Linked repository.
      • Modify the .gitmodule file to make use of the relative path of the submodule repository with respect to the primary repository. Ex :
      • [submodule "submodule_repo"]
         path = submodule_repo
         url = ssh:../../project_of_submodulerepo/submodule_repo.git 
      • This will make use of Bamboo-SSH-proxy for submodule authentication instead of the temporary private key file that is copied from bamboo sever to windows remote agent.



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