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- SRCTREEWIN-2514Add "Ignore Whitespace" option to Diff
- SRCTREEWIN-10909Sort git tags naturally
- SRCTREEWIN-2267Ordering of the tags
- SRCTREEWIN-9103Support stashing selected files only
- SRCTREEWIN-1663Add checkbox option to allow ignore-space-change when merging
- SRCTREEWIN-5714Stash only staged files
- SRCTREEWIN-14244Option to disable the 'Amend latest commit' checkbox
- SRCTREEWIN-14525I want to see all branch names
- SRCTREEWIN-14530Resolve conflict - add branch name to context menu
- SRCTREEWIN-14154Lack of "Open with" option for selected file
- SRCTREEWIN-14461History: Enable customization of files double-click behavior
- SRCTREEWIN-13071No proper manuals for Windows
- SRCTREEWIN-14517Show Added/Deleted/Modified Word Count in File History with Sorting Support for Writers and Academic Researchers
- SRCTREEWIN-14275Default Workspace View
- SRCTREEWIN-6551By Modified Date Sort Option For Staged Files
- SRCTREEWIN-14511Open repo subdir from Windows context menu and show local diff
- SRCTREEWIN-14510Reset scrollbar position in diff panel
- SRCTREEWIN-14504Add Push Modal Search Bar
- SRCTREEWIN-14502search feature in push popup window
- SRCTREEWIN-14499Multi-Tab Optimazitions
- SRCTREEWIN-14324Add new search type - Commit Hash / Commit Hash Starts With
- SRCTREEWIN-3971Russian localization bug
- SRCTREEWIN-14494Sourcetree tab pages too small
- SRCTREEWIN-14491Sourcetree (Windows), Repository Tree panel - keyboard shortcut for renaming the selected branch
- SRCTREEWIN-1688Leave staging buttons (Stage hunk, Stage selected lines etc) in view
- SRCTREEWIN-13999Mercurial: No column for revision/changeset number
- SRCTREEWIN-14478Jumping between commits in branch
- SRCTREEWIN-14472Register with Explorer
- SRCTREEWIN-14464SourceTree Linux App
- SRCTREEWIN-13816Support checkout of file at version in log view
- SRCTREEWIN-14441Delete a branch selecting "force delete" only after the first try
- SRCTREEWIN-12960Add shortcuts for custom actions in Windows
- SRCTREEWIN-7495Prune tags in sourcetree
- SRCTREEWIN-14455Improve Commit History Readability - Option to Exclude Merged Commits from Deleted Branches
- SRCTREEWIN-14454Branch Visibility Selection
- SRCTREEWIN-3498Allow multiple instances to run simultaneously
- SRCTREEWIN-14440Add "Rename branch" to Graph's branch context menu options
- SRCTREEWIN-14439Checkout git branch that already exist locally should give an option to pull instead of showing an error
- SRCTREEWIN-14265Way To Organize Branch List
- SRCTREEWIN-14432Add History option for folders
- SRCTREEWIN-14238Enable to hide the button "X" on projact tab
- SRCTREEWIN-14426Add parent repo name to tab title when opening submodule
- SRCTREEWIN-3037'First Parent Only' option
- SRCTREEWIN-14413Horizontal Scroll in code preview tab
- SRCTREEWIN-13428Pair Programming Note In Commit
- SRCTREEWIN-13883Group multiple git project tabs into a Workspace
- SRCTREEWIN-12344--allow-unrelated-histories
- SRCTREEWIN-14391Ensure the tooltip shows the Jira description when hovering over a branch name or commit message with a Jira ID
- SRCTREEWIN-7119Search File with FileName in sourceTree
- SRCTREEWIN-14350Create Patch
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