This feels backwards to the Software Project versions. I get that the simpler interface is to appeal to less-technical people, but we should have an "Advanced" option that allows us to utilize the same customization options we enjoy with Jira Software boards. Manually moving cards is cumbersome, especially when new cards appear at the BOTTOM of the list which makes it even more difficult to find incoming items.
This also means that moving workflow items from one step to another requires using the board to drag them to the right place in the column, because even high priority items will drop to the bottom of the list if you use the Issue's screen's workflow dropdown.
Ideally, my sort order would be by Priority, then Updated Desc so the highest priority items are on top and then sorted in the order they were last worked on.
My current workaround is that I have to make a "New" workflow step so I can drag "New" items to the appropriate position and only use drag-and-drop to change workflow states (except when moving to "Done").
Would like that too