Favourite Filters
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Export - CSV (All fields)
Export - CSV (Current fields)
- JRACLOUD-93551Turn OFF the toggle for "Hide unused fields" Feature On User Level
- JRACLOUD-79285Turning the Product recommendations OFF has no effect
- JSDCLOUD-15531Non-users to be able to run jsmops whoisoncall Slack command
- JIRAAUTOSERVER-1094Automation For Jira is showing as incompatible with Jira from Jira versions 10.x
- AUTO-1708Issue while copying special characters in some sequence from one text field to another using Automation
- CONFCLOUD-80954PDF export shows a divider/horizontal line in top part
- JSDCLOUD-16155REST API endpoints for Virtual Agent Data
- MIG-507Provide the corresponding URL information between Confluence Server and Confluence Cloud after migration
- JSDCLOUD-16153Assets : Ability to calculate Assets Age automatically without Automation
- MIG-2204CMA selective space selection for plan
- JSDCLOUD-14588Align embedding format for attachments in customer notifications
- CONFSERVER-82446Table of Contents Macro includes User Profile Macro in the list
- JSDSERVER-15403It would be helpful to add an AQL Function to be able to check for Inactive/Active User Status for User attribute type searches.
- CONFSERVER-99080Epic Link text is rendered in unreadable colors in the Jira Issues macro in Confluence 9.0.1 and later versions
- CONFCLOUD-81013PDF export CSS disappears on save
- JSDCLOUD-4920Allow use of "Reply-To" for the Reporter Field
- JSDSERVER-7159Request type field shows previous request type value in issue navigator list view
- ATLAS-168Visualise team, project, goal dependencies
- CONFSERVER-51323Provide an API to retrieve calendar details
- JRACLOUD-38732Ability to set character limit on custom fields i.e. jira.text.field.character.limit.customfields
- AUTO-454Support for attachments in Automation - allow file uploads / attachments using Jira API so this can be used in automation for Jira webhook
- CONFCLOUD-81012A site open to anonymous users allows former users from the site to authenticate
- JSDCLOUD-16117Creating a team with a pipe in the name can cause issues with the policies
- ACCESS-2175API required to run Azure AD automatic sync
- JRACLOUD-93550Ability to add Multiple Capacity for One team in the Advanced roadmap to plan Capacity per sprint
- TRELLO-144Show start dates and card duration in iCal feed
- ID-7151Creating a portal-only account and a licensed account(Atlassian account) using the same email address is allowed without notice/warning/advice
- STATUS-751Removing the Twitter App removes the ability to disable Twitter notifications on Incident Templates
- ID-8887Can't Grant Product Admin role via the Grant User Access API
- CLOUD-6498Automatic Backup generation in Backup Manager
- JRASERVER-74867Using a cascading select field in a two dimensional gadget can cause broken jql results for the filter
- JRACLOUD-90916Done Issues in Completed Sprint Show None + 1 in Sprint field.
- JRASERVER-62591An option provided by the function 'cascadeOption' for the field does not exist
- CONFCLOUD-80508Links are broken after cloud to cloud migration
- JIRAALIGN-8072Ability to add a Checkbox custom field
- CONFCLOUD-76380Custom stylesheets for spaces - not available for cloud - hide button
- JWMCLOUD-291Ability to sort boards by Priority, Rank, Date, etc.
- JRACLOUD-63103Way to collect exact time a issue spend in a workflow - JIRA Cloud
- CLOUD-11760Support App Migrations in Cloud to Cloud Migrations for Jira & Confluence
- OPSGENIE-2503Zendesk integration framework issues
- CONFSERVER-74300Moving page with incoming link from another page that has duplicated title in the same space failed without proper error in UI
- JRACLOUD-93549The "Find your field" wizard shows field has a value for an empty "Request Participant" and "Organization" fields
- JRACLOUD-31088Retain the extra bracket on the advanced search when saving a filter
- ROVO-22Europe Data Residency for Rovo
- ACCESS-1783Last Active inform inaccurate time in Users Page
- ID-8534It's not possible to identify which "JQL Filters - Result" a group is used in without support assistance when renaming group
- OPSGENIE-2501Unable to fully remove user with SCIM sync enabled on Guard
- JSDCLOUD-16154Numbering list by default rendering as number 1 in Customer notification.
- JRACLOUD-76814Allow further customization for date and date/time field (that's not limited to Account preferences)
- JRACLOUD-62027Provide the Ability to Export A Project List
[{"id":-1,"name":"My open issues","jql":"assignee = currentUser() AND resolution = Unresolved order by updated DESC","isSystem":true,"sharePermissions":[],"requiresLogin":true},{"id":-2,"name":"Reported by me","jql":"reporter = currentUser() order by created DESC","isSystem":true,"sharePermissions":[],"requiresLogin":true},{"id":-4,"name":"All issues","jql":"order by created DESC","isSystem":true,"sharePermissions":[],"requiresLogin":false},{"id":-5,"name":"Open issues","jql":"resolution = Unresolved order by priority DESC,updated DESC","isSystem":true,"sharePermissions":[],"requiresLogin":false},{"id":-9,"name":"Done issues","jql":"statusCategory = Done order by updated DESC","isSystem":true,"sharePermissions":[],"requiresLogin":false},{"id":-3,"name":"Viewed recently","jql":"issuekey in issueHistory() order by lastViewed DESC","isSystem":true,"sharePermissions":[],"requiresLogin":false},{"id":-6,"name":"Created recently","jql":"created >= -1w order by created DESC","isSystem":true,"sharePermissions":[],"requiresLogin":false},{"id":-7,"name":"Resolved recently","jql":"resolutiondate >= -1w order by updated DESC","isSystem":true,"sharePermissions":[],"requiresLogin":false},{"id":-8,"name":"Updated recently","jql":"updated >= -1w order by updated DESC","isSystem":true,"sharePermissions":[],"requiresLogin":false}]