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- CONFSERVER-54946View restriction on a page does not prevent ability to create child pages
- CONFSERVER-40780Root Page Not Found When Using Page Tree Macro
- CONFSERVER-40454Improve the performance of the page tree expansion on the Move Page dialog
- CONFSERVER-38280Pagetree macro shows other spaces, but they don't work
- CONFSERVER-35357Page tree doesn't show all pages when you have pages on the same level as the home page
- CONFSERVER-31358Expand page order alphabetical sort to allow reverse sort
- CONFSERVER-4366Enhance Tree View - please add an 'Expand All' option
- CONFCLOUD-76186Reorder Pages Does Not Work If User does Not Have Permission to All Pages
- CONFCLOUD-65163Large pages can be scrolled down from the sidebar
- CONFCLOUD-63262Title of a Child Page is Not Updated on Sidebar
- CONFCLOUD-63001Unable to find old blog posts in the sidebar when there are 100+ posts in the same year
- CONFCLOUD-62602User is unable to navigate after space deletion
- CONFCLOUD-61932Deleting the homepage of a space causes empty sidebar
- CONFCLOUD-58417Reorder Pages Does Not Work If User does Not Have Permission to All Pages
- CONFCLOUD-54342Reordering pages doesn't work properly
- CONFCLOUD-53962Global theme issues—sidebar not expanding to correct level/current page not highlighted in sidebar
- CONFCLOUD-40780Root Page Not Found When Using Page Tree Macro
- CONFCLOUD-38280Pagetree macro shows other spaces, but they don't work
- CONFCLOUD-31358Expand page order alphabetical sort to allow reverse sort
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