Step 1 of 4: Choose Issues


T Key Summary Assignee Reporter P Status Resolution Created Updated Votes Development
Sub-task CLOUD-4157

CLOUD-3878 Move StudioJiraServletContextListener and related context-param from JIRA's web.xml to Tomcat's context.xml when all instances have been migrated to Unicorn

Unassigned Alex Wei (DE) Medium Closed Won't Fix 0
Sub-task CLOUD-3977

CLOUD-3878 Move to jira-home and change servlet context listener to load from the new path

Alex Wei (DE) Alex Wei (DE) Medium Closed Obsolete 0
Sub-task CLOUD-3951

CLOUD-3878 Add ActionInterceptor to ViewPlugins action to render a new page if the user is not sysadmin. That page displays Studio support request link etc

Alex Wei (DE) Alex Wei (DE) Low Closed Obsolete 0
Sub-task CLOUD-3946

CLOUD-3878 Add ActionInterceptor to set the To email address for JiraSupportRequest

Alex Wei (DE) Alex Wei (DE) Medium Closed Fixed 0
Sub-task CLOUD-3944

CLOUD-3878 Remove OverrideClasspathResourceLoader and override

Unassigned Alex Wei (DE) Medium Closed Obsolete 0
Sub-task CLOUD-3930

CLOUD-3878 Add studio's entityengine configuration to Studio's ServletContextListener

Alex Wei (DE) Alex Wei (DE) Low Closed Won't Fix 0
Sub-task CLOUD-3929

CLOUD-3878 Add studio's osuser configuration to Studio's ServletContextListener

Alex Wei (DE) Alex Wei (DE) Low Closed Obsolete 0
Sub-task CLOUD-3928

CLOUD-3878 Add studio's seraph configuration to Studio's ServletContextListener

Alex Wei (DE) Alex Wei (DE) Medium Closed Fixed 0
Sub-task CLOUD-3927

CLOUD-3878 Make StudioJiraServletContextListener to add studio's log4j configuration

Unassigned Alex Wei (DE) Medium Closed Won't Fix 0
Sub-task CLOUD-3926

CLOUD-3878 Create an upgrade task to change JIRA's default look-and-feel to Studio's

Alex Wei (DE) Alex Wei (DE) Medium Closed Fixed 0
Sub-task CLOUD-3925

CLOUD-3878 Set jira.home in context-param in JIRA's web.xml

Alex Wei (DE) Alex Wei (DE) Medium Closed Fixed 0
