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  2. TRELLO-412

Workspace admin can't remove a multi-board guest from a board on member's page in the Workspace


    • Minor

      Issue Summary

      Workspace admin can't remove a multi-board guest from a board through the members' page in the Workspace.

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Click on Members at the sidebar menu
      2. Under the Collaborators, click on Guests
      3. Under Multi-board guests click on View boards next to the user name
      4. In the drop-down will contain a list of the boards the user is a guest.

      Expected Results

      The remove button should appear on each board the list so the Workspace admin could remove user from the boards they need.

      Actual Results

      There isn't a remove button. Even though the guest to be removed is not the last board admin. And the person who is removing them is the Workspace admin.


      The Workspace admin needs to go to each board, click on the share button and then remove the person from the board.

        1. WSMember.png
          151 kB
          Luciana Munhoz

              Unassigned Unassigned
              b6b58e9f035b Luciana Munhoz
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              2 Start watching this issue
