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  1. Bitbucket Data Center
  2. BSERV-3824

SSH operations hang when using PuTTy or TortoiseGit


      Cloning or fetching over SSH sometimes hangs when using putty or plink, which is bundled by TortoiseGit.

      Recent versions of TortoiseGit started shipping an updated version of putty, which occasionally sends a

      SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST winadj@putty.projects.tartarus.org

      request to the SSH server for diagnostic/optimisation purposes. The SSH server that Stash bundles does not handle this request correctly and the request is aborted or hangs as a result.

      TortoiseGit have a ticket about this issue that describes a workaround (quoted below).


      1. Use the HTTP(S) repository URL instead of SSH
      2. Configure putty to no longer send the winadj request:
        1. Run putty for windows 0.63.
        2. Click on "Default Settings" in the Saved Sessions. Click Load
        3. Go to Connection -> SSH -> Bugs
        4. Set "Chokes on PuTTY's SSH-2 'winadj' requests" to On (instead of Auto)
        5. Go Back to Session in the treeview (top of the list)
        6. Click on "Default Settings" in the Saved Sessions box. Click Save.

            mheemskerk Michael Heemskerk (Inactive)
            mheemskerk Michael Heemskerk (Inactive)
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