Resolution: Unresolved
Windows 7 64 Bit
Sourcetree updated from to
Squirrel installer fresh install and then update using the update notifications
(Previous versions were cleaned up prior to fresh install because of other issues)
After updating Sourcetree the old local app-2.5.x folders stay in the %APPDATA% folders. This seems to be an unecessary waste of space. In my current state after fresh install of 2.4.8 and then update to Sourcetree 2.5.5 the old folder AppData\Local\SourceTree\app-2.4.8 consumes 35 MB of disk space.
With the current idea of making smaller updates and also forcing the user to regularly update Sourcetree the amount of old versions can quickly accumulate several hundreds of MB just dead space.
Is there any reason for the old app-x.y.z folders to remain in the %APPDATA% folder?
As far as I can think back with the Squirrel installer the old folders were never removed.
You are correct ... only two folders exist. After the last update only the last used beta and the freshly installed folders remained. If you want you can close the issue ... I did not follow up thoroughly on the disk space waste and this is totally acceptable and well explained.