Resolution: Fixed
Windows 10 64-bit
Severity 2 - Major
After updating to 3.0.15 it is no longer possible to check for updates from within Sourcetree. A message box with the following text appears:
Invalid release entry: 7C20078B2B045E2C881187E39009FD85284F4E83 SourceTree-3.0.15-full.nupkg 23991659
This issue has been reported to the community forum several times but has not been fixed yet. The Atlassian service engineer that responded in https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Sourcetree-questions/Error-sourcetree/qaq-p/971254 does not seem to understand the problem I'm afraid - the latest version that can be downloaded from sourcetreeapp.com is still only 3.0.12, even though 3.0.15 has been released.
[SRCTREEWIN-11147] Error message when checking for updates
FYI: Michael Mimms, while the Squirrel.Windows update process doesn't mention updating the version number here https://github.com/Squirrel/Squirrel.Windows/blob/master/docs/using/update-process.md
There are people that say it can work with the required parameters set.
I was just too curious.
Thanks for the feedback
john.jurisoo yes we will look into that. I suspect it is a side-effect of https://github.com/Squirrel/Squirrel.Windows and the fact that there is potentially only 1 full install and from then on there are in place updates.
I asked the three developers that had the problem last time to retry, and it worked correctly for the three of them.
It seems fixed.
With version 3.1.2 out, I was able to upgrade several machines without issue.
On a separate note, it would be nice if the version number in the Settings/Control Panel would track the current version when the application is updated. That can be confusing for users.
I had everybody try to update.
It worked for one developer.
Three developers had their "Check for Updates" button disabled. We waited for a few seconds, and the button never re-enabled. So I had them try to restart Sourcetree. The button was then enabled, but when they clicked it, same error as before :
The developper that succeeded in updating had a previous version :
The Check For Updates button gave no errors and showed 3.1.1 as the current version. The upgrade went fine with one minor issue. The version reported in Windows Settings and the Control Panel is still 3.0.15. No other issues that I can see though.
It sounds like some sort of network issue, the file is currently hosted on standalone AWS instance but we are in the process of migrating all downloads etc to an AWS S3 bucket. The Beta release already make use of S3.
Hopefully everything is currently working?
Today, for the last couple of hours, the Check For Updates button in 3.0.17 produces an error on my development machines.
"Remote release File is empty or corrupted"
Log output:
ERROR [2019-03-14 07:01:42,200] [1] [Sourcetree.Installer.Squirrel.Utils.UpdateHelper] [Log] - Couldn't read staging user ID ERROR [2019-03-14 07:01:42,200] [1] [Sourcetree.Installer.Squirrel.Utils.UpdateHelper] [Log] - Couldn't read staging user ID ERROR [2019-03-14 07:01:45,637] [1] [Sourcetree.Installer.Squirrel.Utils.UpdateHelper] [Log] - Unable to check for Updates. System.Exception: Remote release File is empty or corrupted at Squirrel.UpdateManager.CheckForUpdateImpl.<CheckForUpdate>d_2.MoveNext() — End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown — at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw() at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task) at Squirrel.UpdateManager.<CheckForUpdate>d7.MoveNext() — End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown — at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw() at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task) at Sourcetree.Installer.Squirrel.Utils.UpdateHelper.<CheckForUpdate>d16.MoveNext() — End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown — at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw() at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task) at Sourcetree.Installer.Squirrel.Utils.UpdateHelper.<HasAvailableUpdates>d_17.MoveNext()
I did miss one related inconsistency. Machines that were successfully upgraded via the GUI from 3.0.15 to 3.0.17 show as having 3.0.15 installed in the Setup or Control Panel information.
That is incorrect. The actual version of the files and what is reported by SourceTree is 3.0.17.
Same as @john.jurisoo here. The update process doesn't report errors as it did before. I could confirm that with multiple developers.
All of my systems appear to behave normally now once the releases file was corrected, and all of the above inconsistencies, to my knowledge, appear to be straightened out.
Apologies this ticket slipped through our triage process.
There was an issue with the Squirrel.Windows RELEASES file being corrupted when it was uploaded to our publishing site and a problem wishing the Squirrel.Windows process to do with delta upgrades.
We believe this is all fixed now, from 3.0.17 onwards. Is anyone still seeing errors during update checking?
All of my installations have successfully upgraded to 3.0.17 (some manually and some using the "Check for Updates" feature) and now "Check for Updates" behaves normally and does not return an error on any installation.
Oddly, the web site button links to 3.0.15 currently, but 3.0.17 is available along with release notes.
Now, my 3.0.17 that reports it's version correctly in the control panel gives the "Remote release file is empty or corrupted error" when checking for updates..
The other machine that has the 3.0.17 installed but reports as 3.0.15 in the control panel doesn't report any error.
The "Download for Windows" button on the web site now is linked to 3.0.15. I'm pretty sure I verified that the web site was linked to 3.0.17 when I upgraded via "Check For Updates" button. If you modify the "Download for Windows" button's link, 3.0.17 will download.
This is perplexing.
I noticed that the release of 3.0.17 fixes the error for 3.0.15 and 3.0.17 when checking for updates, but I also noticed that in the Control Panel/Settings the version is now incorrectly listed as 3.0.15 after the update. The software is actually updated, but the version in the registry is not. This is only on the single machine that I had 3.0.15 installed.
Also, version 3.0.12 now gives the following error on more than one installation.
The plot thickens.
So it seems that version 3.0.17 fixed that issue, but nobody cared to comment on it, or to indicate that in the official changelog?
I'm getting the impression that nobody at Atlassian is checking this here project...
I have the same issue with SourceTree v3.0.15 on Windows 10 x64, Russian locale.
I've attached log SourceTree.2019-01-17.log
Looks like release entry string "7C20078B2B045E2C881187E39009FD85284F4E83 SourceTree-3.0.15-full.nupkg 23991659 " has extra space in the end and because of that doesn't match regexp ^([0-9a-fA-F]{40})\s+(\S+)\s+(\d+)[\r]*$
SourceTree 3.0.15 is now up on the website, but the "Check for Updates" error still persists. I believe that this same type of error occurred last year some time, and when the next version came out, the app updated just fine. think I'll wait to see what happens–as things are working just fine.
I've seen the "Check for Updates" button disabled like that, but the next time I start the app, it may or may not be disabled.
I'm having the same issue, it started a while back but I was waiting for 3.0.15 to become available on the website. I have one computer with 3.0.12 which gives this error, I've just updated one computer to 3.0.15 and it also has this error and I have one computer which did update to 3.0.15 last week and now just has the check for update button greyed out permanently.
It appears that even though I received the 3.0.15 update via the update manger in 3.0.12, 3.0.15 is currently not listed as a valid version, and that 3.0.12 is now what is available as the latest on the web site.
Very strange.
This issue has been already fixed. Please update to the latest version of Sourcetree.