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      The new version of GreenHopper is awesome, however it's missing Release planning and reporting functionality or am I missing it? In previous versions we could associate sprints to a "Parent" release, though thats no longer available if using a Scrum Board. The Sprint burndown and end of sprint reports are great, I'd like to see something similar for Releases.

      For Example:

      • Release burndown chart by project, sprints, hours, story points and/or issues: The chart should allow me flip back and forth between different views right on the screen without a need for Admin permissions to change or access to the scrum board configuration settings.
      • The Release and Sprint burndown charts should be viewable on the dashboards


      • Will the "Release" pull from the FixVersion field? If so, I'd like to suggest when building a Release I should be able pick from multiple projects and sprints. This might require an option to share a FixVersion across multiple projects.

          Form Name

            [JSWSERVER-7741] As a User, I would like Release related reports & charts

              Unassigned Unassigned
              ca88e31449b3 Rebecca Velasco
              8 Vote for this issue
              9 Start watching this issue
