Resolution: Answered
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It would be great if we can customize the burndown dependency.
So far, the burndown is based on the rightmost column of the board, which is not so convenient for some scenarios.
What we need is that the burndown definition can be independent from the column mapping and customizable to base on a specific status / resolution.
- is related to
JSWSERVER-3138 Bug in Burndown Chart - Tickets with Status' placed in "Done' column under Task Board Do Not Reflect in Burndown Graph
- Closed
- relates to
JSWSERVER-11355 As the configurer of an agile board, I want to indicate which columns are "Not Started" columns and which columns are "Done" columns
- Closed
JSWCLOUD-18939 In Configure Board, allow multiple "To do" (Grey) and "Done" (Green) columns (company-managed)
- Gathering Interest
JSWSERVER-12169 In Configure Board, allow multiple "Not Started" (Blue) and "Done" (Green) columns
- Gathering Interest
[JSWSERVER-10261] Burndown based on status
+1 for reopening this. The "solution" is not very usable. I don't want to have, in effect, two different burndown charts. I want to either be able to customize the burndown chart so it keys off of whatever column/state I want it to, or I want to be able to mark a specific column as "done".
I have exactly the same scenario as many others have described: I have a state called "Done" and a state called "Accepted". The team gets "credit" in their burndown when the story is Done (i.e. ready for sprint review/acceptance), but the story isn't really complete until it has been reviewed and accepted. And I don't want to put both Done and Accepted in the same column.
+1 there should be a possibility to have multiple states result in a Burndown event when moving from a non-done state to a done state and vice vera.
+1 on this issue. I also see it addressed by GHS-11355. Please reopen that ticket or this ticket.
Merging multiple statuses in a single column or creating a separate Agile Board is IMHO not a suitable workaround.
I have noticed you are getting a lot feature requests with exactly this same problem. Please stop closing all of them as answered. I would appreciate, if you would leave one of them open (so we can vote on it) and close the others as a duplicate.
This request would have been addressed by GHS-11355 had it been accepted. The requirement in JIRA Agile that the starting state for all issues must be in the rightmost column of the agile board, and the ending state must be in the leftmost column is very restrictive. Many of us would like to use the far left or far right for states like "On Hold" or "Dropped". And, if a workflow has two ending states, they must be combined in the leftmost column, which causes other complications (like having to put the status on the card to discern which state). I strongly request that GHS-11355 get reopened so we can vote on it. I believe it would address this issue as well.
closing this issue was premature. Your point of "... You can already model this by creating a separate board which uses a different status as "final" and which the Burndown Chart will use for its calculations."
Why can't we simply use Agile (i.e. Greenhopper) with JIRA, after users have configured columns, then define which column determines that an issues is "resolved", and therefore DONE? See https://confluence.atlassian.com/display/AGILE/Configuring+Columns#ConfiguringColumns-AddinganewStatus
Here is a similar question, that was not really answered: https://confluence.atlassian.com/display/AGILE/Viewing+the+Burndown+Chart?focusedCommentId=617021530#comment-617021530
the answer: " ...Story is closed within the Sprint, it is marked as DONE."
but the question was "What happens if an issue is resolved...",
which we all know should be the same, but it isn't always
Adding to the other comments that this should not be closed as resolved. An intermediate step is an important part of our workflows, so being able to visualize this in the Burndown chart would be a great enhancement.
@Tom Kotecki (https://jira.atlassian.com/secure/ViewProfile.jspa?name=tkotecki) I don't believe this workaround is sufficient, we need to be able to state which column or status is the burndown point for a board. Many projects will have post development activities that they want to track on the board, but want points to burn at an earlier stage.
Agree with Tomas, Greg and Ezequiel: so, this issue should not be closed as resolved until such implementation is not available.
The workaround works, but, as mentioned, it is not useful at all. I have many project for which I should also clone their boards and re-arrange the columns in order to get different burn-downs.
Another workaround would be to temporally change the distribution of the columns in the boards just to take a look at the chart. As this is generated dynamically, it would rearrange according to the new distribution. For me this approach is better than cloning all of the boards.
After all, I agree that adding a drop down to select the status to be considered to burn, would solve everything.
Just chiming in to say that I agree with the previous two comments that this proposed workaround is not satisfactory.
Hi all..
Did the same Tom Kiefer did after asking and as with Tom K. it did work fine. But I do concur with him that it would be a lot better not to have to have two Boards in order to achieve this. Being able to configure which column should be considered as the "Done" one for the graph does not appear to be something that complicated to implement.
Best Regards!
If I understand correctly, a project can have multiple Boards, and each Board has its own Report section and thus it's own burndown chart. (Someone can correct me if I misunderstand.)
Basically, what I did just now was to:
- Navigate to my team's existing Agile board.
- In the upper-right, pull down the "Board" menu and select "Copy". This results in a general configuration page for a new Board which is a copy of the existing Board.
- Change the name of this new Board to be easily distinguished from the original Board.
- Select "Columns". Delete those columns on the right that are beyond the "Done" the burndown chart should use, so that the right-most column of this Board is the one the burndown chart should use as "Done".
- Navigate to this new Board, view its "Plan", "Work", and "Report" views. Its burndown chart should look different from the original in that it burns down according to its right-most column, not the original Board's. (The original Board and its burndown chart can also still be viewed as before.)
For reference, we're using JIRA v6.1.6.
IMO, it seems rather clunky to have to have two Boards to support this burndown view – it'd be much more simple and effective to be able to configure the original Board's burndown chart to select the column or status to use as "Done" but at least it's a workaround option for now.
Hope that helps.
Hi Tom. Starting with which version is this so? How do I do it (link to docu would be great)?
Many thanks for reporting this issue. You can already model this by creating a separate board which uses a different status as "final" and which the Burndown Chart will use for its calculations.
JIRA Agile Team
Our agile board has an extra column "Sprint Review" where stories are waiting for approval by the product owner before they are moved to "done". Since the sprint review usually takes place at the end of the sprint, points get burnt at the end instead of during the sprint.
A quite few comments in the documentation asking for this: https://confluence.atlassian.com/display/AGILE/Viewing+the+Burndown+Chart