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  1. Jira Platform Cloud
  2. JRACLOUD-90636

Sum story points or hour estimates for any epic links


    • 112
    • 66
    • Our product teams collect and evaluate feedback from a number of different sources. To learn more about how we use customer feedback in the planning process, check out our new feature policy.

      Atlassian Update - 13th September 2024

      Hi everyone,

      Thank you for taking the time to share your valuable feedback with us. Your input is greatly appreciated, and we understand the effort and dedication it takes to provide us with your thoughts and ideas.

      At this time, we regret to inform you that the specific functionality you’ve requested – Sum story points or hour estimates for any epic links – will not be prioritised in our near-term roadmap. Given the high volume of feature suggestions for Jira, we must prioritize those that provide the most value to the majority of our users. After a thorough review by the team, we have decided that we will not be able to implement this suggestion in the immediate future.

      Please remember that jira.atlassian.com is only one of many inputs for our roadmap. We’re continuously learning, analysing and interviewing customers to make Jira better. We encourage you to also share your feedback through Atlassian Community. Please also check out latest updates and upcoming plans from the Jira Cloud roadmap and the Atlassian Cloud release notes blog.

      We understand that our decision may be disappointing. Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or feedback.

      Product Manager-Issue View


      When viewing an epic, we want to see the total story points and hours estimated for all issues related to the epic (those is the Issues in Epic section).

      For example:

      Story issue screen has shows the desired estimate time:

      But, not in Epic issue screen:

      We want these fields to be available when viewing a list of issues in a filter and be included in any associated export and columns available when viewing in any of the related JIRA gadgets.

      These fields are necessary to get a quick view of the total scope when viewing in JIRA as well as creating reports for additional reporting and analysis; it needs to be in the gadgets to support executive/management level reports/summaries.


      How to sum up logged hours using automation in Jira Cloud can be suggested as a workaround. If you expect reports using custom field then How to create time reports based on Custom fields? should help.

        1. story-estimate.png
          187 kB
        2. epic-estimate.png
          201 kB

              2239430e27fb Ahmud Auleear
              4f4250feead3 Karie Kelly
              658 Vote for this issue
              302 Start watching this issue
