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  1. Jira Cloud
  2. JSWCLOUD-5576

As a (board) administrator I'd like to access the board regardless of the filter shares

    • 13
    • 70
    • Our product teams collect and evaluate feedback from a number of different sources. To learn more about how we use customer feedback in the planning process, check out our new feature policy.

      NOTE: This suggestion is for JIRA Software Cloud. Using JIRA Software Server? See the corresponding suggestion.

      The visibility of Rapid Boards is based on the Shares of a filter. If a JIRA administrator shall do some changes in a Rapid Board configuration, he is only able to do so, if he is somehow included in the Share of the filter.

      This isn't the optimal in all cases.

      • When using cross-project Rapid Boards, with the filter shared with a user group, but with the user group normally not including any JIRA administrators. That means that the Rapid Board is not visible to the JIRA admin and therefore the owner of the Rapid Board is the only one who can do configure the board.
      • When the board owner or one of the admins changes the board filter to a private one, they lock all other admins out of it. Neither JIRA admins nor users that are Board administrators cannot access the board because of the missing filter share.

      That should be changes, so that a JIRA admin can see and configure all Rapid Boards, even if he is not included in the Shares of a filter. Alternatively, the "Board administrator" setting should override the filter share settings.


      A Jira Administrator can:

      1. Go to https://<your site name>.atlassian.net/secure/admin/filters/ViewSharedFilters.jspa and change the owner of the filter to themselves
      2. Modify and save the filter
      3. Change the owner back to the original

            [JSWCLOUD-5576] As a (board) administrator I'd like to access the board regardless of the filter shares

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              Unassigned Unassigned
              69595d4e90f7 Holger Schimanski
              110 Vote for this issue
              78 Start watching this issue
