Just adding a note here for if/when this gets picked up for future use with a couple of our use cases for overlapping sprints. In our world, every code change is tied to a JIRA card and every release is tied to a sprint. If it doesn't have a sprint, it doesn't have a release.
Use Case 1: Sprint "done", regression uncovers bug that needs to be fixed
--Sprint 1 ends on Thursday 1/15 and releases on Tuesday 1/20
--Sprint 2 starts on Friday 1/16
--Sprint 1 is "complete" but on Monday 1/19 we uncover an issue that needs to be resolved (ISS-10) before golive. This occasionally happens with regression testing or something slipped through. We leave Sprint 1 open so that a developer can go in an make the fix via an issue in Sprint 1. They won't get credit for it in the burndown of Sprint 1 or Sprint 2 (which I don't have a problem with) but if we are forced to close Sprint 1 before we start Sprint 2 things become a mess. If ISS-10 is created as a card in Sprint 2, it is not really true because the code change will go out with Sprint 1.
Use Case 2: Hotfix
-Scenario we are in the midst of Sprint 20 and an unscheduled release is identified
-Let's say we just released Sprint 19 and are in the midst of Sprint 20 and an issue crops up that requires a deploy. What we do on the classic boards is go in and create Sprint 19.1 that will contain the issues for the hot fix. This minisprint may only live for one day but all of the issues for the release will have a sprint.
In both of the above examples, the sprint teams won't get credit for the cards in their current sprint (which I am fine with because this averages out over time and is why velocity is never 100% of available time) and we know that.
The Parallel Sprints feature seems like it should allow everything to work correctly for us but when that feature is disabled, I wanted to provide some use cases to help in crafting a longer term solution.
Hi there,
We have successfully created an Add-on that solves for this. We had the same issues with managing multiple projects and teams using different boards. Please feel free to try and provide your feedback.