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  1. Jira Platform Cloud
  2. JRACLOUD-87281

Cannot Search for compass Components In new Issue search experiance


      Issue Summary

      This is part of a multi pronged error and Feature set of issues please review this video of the overall behavior that details what is occurring and why it is important:

      Searching for Compass components in New search experience will display the component as an option in quick tips in the issue navigator but will not display any results for that component

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Create a compass component "This is a compass component"
      2. Add that component to an issue
      3. Add the component column
      4. Search for the issue you just added the component to
        • NOTE: The issue shows the component as "This is a compass component"
      5. Search for project = "your project name" AND component = "T
        • NOTE that the option "This is a compass component" is populated as a Quick tips autocomplete action
      6. Finish typing "This is a compass component" OR Select the auto complete option
      7. Select Search

      Expected Results

      Issues with compass component is returned

      Actual Results

      no issues are returned

      NOTE if it is intentionally not visible in New search:

      Either the Compass component should not be visible in quick tips if it cannot be searched due to intended functionality
      not be displayed as a value in the field if the search result column

      Possible solution make a new "Compass component" Field to differentiate between the two feature sets


      Use Unique names for Jira and compass components, Noting New search will display values for component but will not allow you to search for them so you will have to use Legacy search to search for Compass components
      Switch to legacy search by:

      Select Filters > View all issues
      Select the 3 dot "..." meatball menu icon in the upper right
      Select "switch to Old search experience"
      Please refer to This Video for a full breakdown of how the overall issue is affecting your system to understand how to identify which issues are in what component category

              adde159388b3 Ananya Singh
              emccutcheon Earl McCutcheon
              3 Vote for this issue
              8 Start watching this issue
