Resolution: Unresolved
Issue Summary
The list of possible parents for an issue does not always include the issues from the same project. This is a change in behaviour to the epic link field.
This only affects company managed projects.
This is reproducible on Data Center: No
Steps to Reproduce
- When creating or editing an issue, click into its parent field
- Review the list of potential parents suggested by JSW
Expected Results
Issues in the same project as the child should be prioritised towards the top of the list.
Actual Results
Issues from any project that the current user can view issues for are loaded. Initially they are prioritised by last viewed date, updated date and priority. For subtasks, issues on the BASE level are listed before those on higher levels. For non-subtasks, issues in the same project that were part of the initial grouping are listed first.
Limiting the 'Browse Projects' permission to a particular project will help.
- is duplicated by
JRACLOUD-92271 Prioritize Epics from the same project at the top of the dropdown list in the Parent Field.
- Closed
- mentioned in
Page Failed to load
- relates to
PCS-235240 You do not have permission to view this issue
This seems more like a bug. A feature that existed is no longer present with this update. The option to only show epics within the project is gone, like Federico described in his comment: https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Jira-Software-articles/Introducing-the-new-Parent-field-in-company-managed-projects/ba-p/2377758/page/6?anon_like=2563752
Each team at my organization works out of a different Jira project. The projects are not related to each other, and the people working on them are different. Seeing epics related to other projects we are not involved with is useless and time consuming to sort through.