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  1. Jira Platform Cloud
  2. JRACLOUD-91586

Milestones for Basic Roadmaps


    • 0
    • Our product teams collect and evaluate feedback from a number of different sources. To learn more about how we use customer feedback in the planning process, check out our new feature policy.

      User Story:
      As a Product Manager

      I want to add Milestones to my Roadmap

      So that I can visually communicate significant dates on my roadmap to stakeholders


      Acceptance Criteria

      1. User can create milestone(s) against a roadmap.
      2. User can give the milestone a name and description(and specify a date)
      3. Milestones should appear as lines on the chart (similar to the way current date works).
      4. The user can drag the milestone to different dates.
      5. The user should see the name of a milestone is on the roadmap view.
      6. User can add and remove milestones from the view using the filters above the main chart.
      7. A user can select a milestone to edit or delete it.


      March 8 2023: Update from Jira Software Cloud team

      Hi all -  Rathesh here from the Jira Software Cloud team. Thanks for your votes on this ticket! 
      This is currently under consideration in our roadmap, but we'd love your help! We have a few milestone concepts that we would like to show you to get some quick feedback on how it could help you or your team plan and track more effectively. 

      If you are interested in being part of the solution and providing feedback on some concepts, feel free to book in a 30min call here: https://calendly.com/ratheshr/planning-convo


      Rathesh Richards, Product Manager - Jira Software Cloud


              762b441b532a Rathesh Richards (Inactive)
              d3f04d90263b alpha jump
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