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  1. Jira Software Cloud
  2. JSWCLOUD-22138

Clarify that when completing a sprint, sending incomplete issues to the next sprint will still send issues to the backlog if they are not visible from the current board.


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      Problem Definition

      When a user completes an active sprint, they have an option to send the incomplete issues within that sprint either to the backlog, or into another sprint.

      However, if the active sprint is being closed from within a Board that does not have full visibility of all of the incomplete issues in the sprint (i.e. if the board uses a more restrictive filter than the Origin Board of the sprint), those not-visible incomplete issues will still be sent to the Backlog, even if the user chooses to send them to another sprint.

      This is intentional - issues should not be affected when they aren't present on the Board being worked on. However, we cannot keep them in the active sprint either, since it's being closed. Therefore, they are sent to the backlog.

      However, this is not clarified either in documentation, nor is the user closing the sprint warned of these not-visible issues.

      A consequence of this is that users may later find issues which are not complete, yet belonged to a sprint which has since been completed. It is not easy for users to understand why these issues aren't automatically in an ongoing sprint and are still sitting in the backlog.

      Suggested Solution

      As this is an intentional, yet not documented or explained to users, we need to:


      Avoid closing a sprint from a board that isn't the Origin Board of the sprint.

      Determine the Origin Board via the Workaround steps in JSWSERVER-13265 : Provide UI method to identify origin board for a sprint.

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            kliou Kevin Liou
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