Resolution: Unresolved
Hello all,
Thank you for watching, voting, and commenting on this issue.
We use this data as well as many other inputs to feed into our prioritisation process. Having multiple subtask issue types is something that we may consider in the future, although it is not something that we will be focusing on in the next 6 months. We want to share this with you to ensure you can plan out your use of projects within Jira Software effectively.
In the short-term, we recommend teams use Company-Managed Projects if this is an absolute must for you. We apologise for the inconvenience this may cause you.
Please continue to vote and in particular please continue to add comments on how your team would find value when having multiple subtask issue types. This contextual information of what you are doing and why you are doing is invaluable for us in providing you with a product that will grow with your needs.
Thank you,
Eoin Ryan
Product Manager
Now, we have only a single sub-task issue type in Jira next-gen.
It would be great if the ability to create multiple sub-task issue types could be implemented in Next-gen.
- is duplicated by
JRACLOUD-91377 Need ability to define different types of SubTasks
- Closed
JSWCLOUD-18117 As a team-managed (formerly next-gen) project admin, I want to be able to add different subtasks issue types
- Closed
- mentioned in
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Form Name |
[JSWCLOUD-20901] Allow the creation of Multiple Sub-task issue types in Team Managed projects
UIS | Original: 207 | New: 204 |
UIS | Original: 221 | New: 207 |
UIS | Original: 223 | New: 221 |
UIS | Original: 222 | New: 223 |
UIS | Original: 223 | New: 222 |
UIS | Original: 208 | New: 223 |
UIS | Original: 209 | New: 208 |
UIS | Original: 208 | New: 209 |
Support reference count | Original: 90 | New: 91 |
UIS | Original: 193 | New: 208 |