Resolution: Unresolved
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Hi everyone,
I'm Yousef Abusamak, a Product Manager on the Jira team. I appreciate the ongoing interest and engagement in this request. We recognize that this API is frequently requested, with considerable votes and watchers highlighting its importance.
We will be moving this issue to be under consideration. While we haven’t committed to delivering this yet, we’re actively evaluating how it fits into our roadmap. Your feedback is invaluable in shaping our priorities, and we’ll continue to assess how we can best address this need.
I’ll share any updates as soon as we have more to communicate. Thanks for your patience and for being part of our community!
Problem Description
At the moment, we have endpoints to view board settings. ie
- Get board settings: GET /rest/agile/1.0/board/{boardId}
- Get board property: GET /rest/agile/1.0/board/{boardId}/properties/{propertyKey}
- Full listing of board public APIs: https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/software/rest/api-group-board/#api-group-board
However, there is no public endpoint in Cloud to allow for board configuration mutation. Ie, update the Board Administrator field via rest API, configure swimlanes or specify the columns of a board
Allow for the possibility, ie via API endpoint, to perform board configuration updates.
No workaround available
Original Description
The Jira Software REST API doesn't allow the columns of a board to be specified or configuring swimlanes when creating a board. It also doesn't allow the columns of an existing board to be updated/modified. It is suggested that the API be expanded to include these features.
- is duplicated by
JRACLOUD-91202 Ability to update board configuration via Rest API
- Closed
- is related to
ENT-2547 Failed to load
[JSWCLOUD-20535] Add the ability to define board configuration through the REST API
Hi everyone,
I'm Yousef Abusamak, a Product Manager on the Jira team. I appreciate the ongoing interest and engagement in this request. We recognize that this API is frequently requested, with considerable votes and watchers highlighting its importance.
We will be moving this issue to be under consideration. While we haven’t committed to delivering this yet, we’re actively evaluating how it fits into our roadmap. Your feedback is invaluable in shaping our priorities, and we’ll continue to assess how we can best address this need.
I’ll share any updates as soon as we have more to communicate. Thanks for your patience and for being part of our community!
All comments
As many have previously noted, this is a significant step to achieve full automation of projects, yet a vital miss. The configuration of boards is a tedious task, yet driving standardisation for users across the UX is fundamental to behaviours of the users.
I absolutely top up this comment:
"If you already have API to get the columns, why do you need to gather interest for setting them.
They should come as a set, not one by one and should be already planned for implementation.
Everyone who wants to create projects with custom workflows with REST will struggle at this last configuration step."
This is the last missing puzzle to automate creating projects fully, yet one of the most crucial.
Hello team,
Is there any update concerning the PUT request to edit a board config ?
rchiquete We desperately need this to be added!!! It is mind boggling that you can GET the board configurations, but cannot PUT (or POST) them... Please Atlassian, consider integrating this feature as it would be a total game-changer for us, and would allow us to skip a ton of manual work that we have to do when creating new boards that are heavily customized.
This is a definite need for our enterprise support. The following specific endpoints would be valuable:
Initial "Must haves"
- Ability to Copy an existing board
- Assign/Update Board Administrators
- Assign/Update Board Location
- Assign/Update Board Filter
Additional "Nice to haves"
- Define/Modify columns
- Assign/Modify status to column mapping
- Define/Modify Quick Filters
- Define/Modify Swim Lanes
- Define Swim Lane Queries
- Define/Modify Card Colors
- Define/Modify Card Layout
With Project Templates (JRACLOUD-7020 Allow support for project schemes or templates - Create and track feature requests for Atlassian products.) nowhere in sight, this request would go a long way in at least letting us build something our damn selves.
This would be great, as it is currently odd that you can create a project via automation that triggers the relevant APIs to
Validate the Project Name and Key and return new value if already used
use value to create a project from in built or own templates
Using in built templates
{ "name": "{{Issue.Project Name}}", "key": "{{Issue.Project Key}}", "assigneeType": "UNASSIGNED", "description": "{{Issue.Project Name}}", "leadAccountId": "{{Issue.Project Lead.accountId}}", "projectTypeKey": "software", "notificationScheme": {{notificationID}}, "permissionScheme": {{permissionID}}, "issueSecurityScheme": {{issueSecurityID}}, "projectTemplateKey": "{{projectTemplateKey}}" }
or own templates
{ "name": "{{Issue.Project Name}}", "key": "{{Issue.Project Key}}", "assigneeType": "UNASSIGNED", "description": "{{Issue.Project Name}}", "leadAccountId": "{{Issue.Project Lead.accountId}}", "projectTypeKey": "software", "notificationScheme": {{notificationID}}, "permissionScheme": {{permissionID}}, "issueSecurityScheme": {{issueSecurityID}}, "categoryId": {{categoryID}}, "issueTypeScheme": {{issueTypeID}}, "fieldConfigurationScheme": {{fieldConfigurationID}}, "workflowScheme": {{workflowID}} }
Then for own templates Create the filter for the project and create Scrum or Kanban board
Add People and/or groups to the relevant roles in the project
But you cannot set the Board configuration for the project.
You can only GET not PUT or POST
+1 - this could be great for cloning of projects and faster adoption of Jira projects across a business.
Hello everyone! I noticed there is a lot of interest for this feature request in the comments, as I see many adding a +1 symbol, and I just want to ensure we count your interest by mentioning that the way to Vote is to use the "vote" link on the upper right side of this issue view:
+1 this would help massively when automating project creation across a large org.
If you already have API to get the columns, why do you need to gather interest for setting them.
They should come as a set, not one by one and should be already planned for implementation.
Everyone who wants to create projects with custom workflows with REST will struggle at this last configuration step.
Agree that this is necessary. I have an automation that creates a new project, creates a board filter and then creates a board. All is great, except that I cannot define any settings on that new board, such as setting columns. Massive disappointment
Just found this out the hard way after automating the rest of project setup. That'll teach me for skimming the docs, seeing there was an API for boards and not checking the detail .
It would be a massive win to be able to automate board creation. Automating the rest of project setup has very little value without it.
As others have mentioned, if not an API to specify all of these settings individually - perhaps an API to clone from a template and just switch the project+filter?
Presumably the lack of API is the reason boards don't exist when creating a new project using existing project settings.
Please could someone with access create a link to https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/JSWSERVER-15631 - this is the same suggestion against Jira Server/Data Center? A link would make it easier for people to vote against the right product.
we are creating lots of boards per projects and in the instance. It's very hard to configure the cols manually for these large number of boards. Appreciate to enable/publish this configuration thru API.
This is one of the most imp feature to work with board and automation. While getting the configuration with GET method, please help us having the PUT method for update.
We too are looking to automate/templatize our project creation and this is a major blocker.
Please add columns, swimlanes. At a minimum, being able to duplicate an existing board as the starting point for a new board would be leaps and bounds ahead of what we have.
Thank you for all of the hard work you're putting into the product.
It is crucial for us to be able to set all of the board configurations through API. This will save us so much time instead of setting the same configs manually everytime. (Must include Column, Swimlanes, card colors, card layouts, working days, roadmaps,etc)
This is a key missing feature of the API. We drive automation from our business systems to Jira to manage the projects we deliver as a business. We can create everything, project, components, sprints, epics, issues, but not boards! We want every project to be created with several boards with columns to match our workflows. Seems incredibly remiss to not have included board creation, column configuration and settings within the API already.
This is the last bit required for us to fully automate our project creation.
We are looking for this API to alter (add, edit, delete) the columns of an existing board.
Hello, we also need to add remove/columns to the board since we are creating a project plugin and our solution requires different columns that in the default boards.
I need this enhancement for gathering information (GET) about the filters used in each project board.
Here is the problem: if the board filter JQL does not use specific projects (example team = 1234), the board may display without error but the report associated with the board throws a 'timeout' error and the report will not display. The workaround proposed by Atlassian (which does work) is to filter using category along with the rest of the query (example category = "project category 1" AND team = 1234). This problem is documented in JSWCLOUD-21200 Performance issues in agile reports with a large history or number of issues with potential timeout failures
As a Jira Admin, I need to identify all board filters which may need to use this workaround. I need to notify the project lead about the needed change along with the filter owner who can make that change. I am unable to directly get the filter associated with a specific board via API. I can get the filter associated with a board indirectly via 3 sets of API calls. I need another set of API calls to get the project lead name.
- get ALL filters (>10K filters) on the cloud: GET /rest/api/3/filter/search
- for each filter, find out what board uses that filter: GET /rest/agile/1.0/board/filter/{filterId}
- get project where board is used: GET /rest/agile/1.0/board/{boardID}/project
- get project lead based on project ID (>1K projects) where board is located: /rest/api/latest/project/{ProjectIDorKey}?expand=lead
What I need is for the GET /rest/agile/1.0/board/ to return the filter ID used by the board. Currently the expand parameter only returns the admins and permissions.
We allow cloning projects using our app Deep Clone for Jira.
We clone the whole project and align the complete project settings (screens, workflows and the various schemes) with the original project. One of the few entities that we currently cannot clone are boards. We could create a new board, but couldn't adjust its settings to match columns and other configuration of the original board.
Many of our customers are wondering why their boards are not getting cloned when cloning a project.
We'd also like to offer a separate "Board Clone" where a board and all its issues are getting cloned. But due to the inability to adjust the board configuration, we're blocked from enhancing Deep Clone with it.
Pinned by
Yousef Abusamak
Hi everyone,
I'm Yousef Abusamak, a Product Manager on the Jira team. I appreciate the ongoing interest and engagement in this request. We recognize that this API is frequently requested, with considerable votes and watchers highlighting its importance.
We will be moving this issue to be under consideration. While we haven’t committed to delivering this yet, we’re actively evaluating how it fits into our roadmap. Your feedback is invaluable in shaping our priorities, and we’ll continue to assess how we can best address this need.
I’ll share any updates as soon as we have more to communicate. Thanks for your patience and for being part of our community!