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  1. Jira Platform Cloud
  2. JRACLOUD-89232

Dependencies between story/epics with delay


    • Icon: Suggestion Suggestion
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • Plans - Timeline
    • None
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      NOTE: This suggestion is for JIRA Portfolio Cloud. Using JIRA Portfolio Server? See the corresponding suggestion.

      Problem Definition

      Currently we are have dependencies when the completion of Epic/Story it would start the other Epic/Story however we do not have a delay configuration for it, example:

      We are planning a project, where we order from a 3rd party supplier (for example) an internet connection. We know from this point where we order the internet-connection till that one getting delivered it will take around 1 week. In this time-frame we don't need to reserve any resources or something, because we just need simply to wait.

      For this I would like to say, that between these 2 stories in portfolio:

      • "Order an Internet-connection" and
      • "Delivery and testing of an Internet-Connection"
        I want to put dependencies where I say that "Delivery and testing of an Internet-Connection" can only start when "Order an Internet-connection" has been finished 7 days ago.

      This not only work for "Internet connection", could also be that we need to order any other 3rd party support.

      Suggested Solution

      Maybe we can have a configuration to set the delay such as number of days before the start of another Epic/Story.

              Unassigned Unassigned
              dchua Daryl Chuah (Inactive)
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