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  1. Jira Software Cloud
  2. JSWCLOUD-19543

Quickly pull up parent or child issues of an issue via JQL and search issues within Portfolio hierarchy in Jira


    • 370
    • Our product teams collect and evaluate feedback from a number of different sources. To learn more about how we use customer feedback in the planning process, check out our new feature policy.

      It would be great to have the same option which was released to serve in 2.11 Release available in Cloud.

      To quickly pull up parent or child issue of an issue via JQL and search issues within Portfolio hierarchy. 


      For parent issues of an issue
      • For parent issues of an issue in a specific hierarchy level in Portfolio for Jira, type issuekey in parentIssuesOf("EX-000").
      • For instance, you have this hierarchy:
        • INIT-001 (at initiative hierarchy level)
          • EPIC-001 (at epic hierarchy level)
          • EPIC-002
            • STORY-001 (at story hierarchy level)
            • STORY-002
      • To get the parent issues of STORY-001, type issuekey in parentIssuesOf("STORY-001"). All parent issues above STORY-001 will be returned, and not just the immediate parent issue at the epic hierarchy level. This means EPIC-002 and INIT-001 will be returned.
      For child issues of an issue
      • For child issues of an issue from a specific hierarchy level in Portfolio for Jira, type issuekey in childIssuesOf("EX-000").
      • For instance, you have this hierarchy:
        • INIT-001 (at initiative hierarchy level)
          • EPIC-001 (at epic hierarchy level)
          • EPIC-002
            • STORY-001 (at story hierarchy level)
            • STORY-002To get the child issues of INIT-001, type issuekey in childIssuesOf("INIT-001"). All child issues below INIT-001 will be returned, and not just the child issues at the epic hierarchy level. This means EPIC-001, EPIC-002, STORY-001, and STORY-002 will be returned. 

      Release link:



            Unassigned Unassigned
            17d30da8945b Lukas Krajnak
            240 Vote for this issue
            111 Start watching this issue
