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Quick filters are very helpful. We use them extensively to help slice&dice the backlog into different views for different purposes. As we do this, though, the list of epics in the Epics panel remains the same.
When I use a quick filter, I do so because I want to focus on something (or to help the product owner focus on something). For example, one of the quick filters relates to a particular component. Not all of the epics are relevant to that component. This means that we are sorting through (i.e., distracted by) epics that aren't relevant. It creates mental clutter, if you will.
Similarly, it is difficult to assign issues to epics, because the epics are ordered by priority rather than component-proximity. This requires much scrolling of the Epics panel, which adds friction.
It would be lovely if there were an option (maybe something akin to "Create epic"? instead of???) to apply a quick filters to both the individual issues in the backlog and the list in the Epics panel.
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JSWSERVER-6949 List of Epics may get very long, we would like to see some filtering capability
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[JSWCLOUD-18474] quick filters on the backlog to apply to the Epics panel as well as the issues
Good day Atlassian Product Team,
Would like to ask when will this feature be available for Jira users? this is important to the workflow that my team currently have. Looking forward to hear from you.
Yes, I want this too!
Working in a department that encourages anyone at anytime who has an idea to create an issue or epic and discourages closing them when we're not going to deal with them, my epics panel is many screens long.
To make it useful, I drag and drop my epics into the team's priority order. With a few screens full of epics the browser completely chokes on the drag and drop with very jerky updates. (I"m on a macbook pro M2 w/ 16gb RAM running up-to-date Chrome as a browser.. I suspect it's updating a very long list of properties in the DOM).
I would like to write a quick filter to use on a day-to-day basis with the team that will allow us to reasonably focus on the work in the sprint and the upcoming sprints. Maybe there's a better way to remove the clutter from view. (This might be a use case for sprinkling some AI onto the problem). I recognize this is hard... sometimes I'm using the backlog in a day-to-day way.. but my priorities and usage patterns change significantly when it's time to plan (in my current case we're on a quarterly planning cycle).
+1! Is there a way to formally vote for this? I have a long list of open epics that I need to have on my board. But 90% of the time I only want to see a handful of them. If you have quick filters, it would seem reasonable it should work on epics as well as stories/tasks. The backlog is the main place for this, but if we are dreaming, it'd like it on the Timeline as well. The Timeline does give you a couple of options, but they are a bit hardcoded - you can't create your own custom quick filter at the epic level. But if they brought over the Timeline filters to the backlog, that would at least be a start - you could at least filter out Epic Status "ToDo" and just see "In Progress"
Our organization just 'upgraded' to the cloud version. Previously, in our on premise version, while it wouldn't completely hide filtered epics in the side panel, it would grey them out. Still frustrating to have to scroll through tons of epics you were trying to not see but at least visually you knew you had a filter on that affected an epic.
how to make a product confusing: only apply filters to half of the items on a page
Is this being addressed by https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/JSWCLOUD-6949?
If it is - can we pool the votes for the 2 issues to bump it up in priority?
The epic list is growing. I need to have the Quick filter for the epic panel so that I can filter out the epics that I want to plan.
We just need what shows up in the Epic panel to be set by the board filter query.
The fact that it seems to be an entire entity by itself that only exists in the backlog view makes no sense. Why would it behave any differently than any of the rest of the tickets in the backlog view? This should be a relatively easy thing to fix (and I do mean fix because as it turns out, this has always been a broken experience). Cheers
I really don't believe they are thinking of this workflow. They are releasing new changes for which Epics show in the list based on Done criteria. It seems like their effort is focused on that workflow (All open epics are things I care about and should be visible until they are complete).
ASK: Provide ability to filter the Epics in Epic panel in the backlog
Currently, we can create a quick filter to view the items in the backlog.. but it doesn't filter the Epics in Epic Panel (left hand side). The scrolling becomes endless due to long list of Epics... and is not manageable when multiple groups are involved.
We really need (as seen from the community), the ability to filter the epics under the Epic Panel.
I see improvements happening, as epics will be filtered more accurately by their actual status:
Any word on when this feature request, which will really help reduce noise in the epics panel, will be considered?
OMG - please implement this feature, this would make my life sooo much easier trying to sort and add stories and even for adding stories to features
Please, please, please let's add this to JIRA. We manage multiple subteams under one project and have approx. 100 epics across all of them. When I view the backlog it would be SO HELPFUL to be able to use a Quick Filter for a given subteam and only see their epics instead of scrolling until the end of time...
Agree this is sorely needed. This is probably a misunderstanding of different workflows. In my case, I have MANY future Epics in the backlog, but at a given time I'm working on a specific release (eg: 2023Q1). All of my current epics and stories are tagged with a release=2023Q1. I filter on that release tag and only see those stories. But the same should apply for Epics as well. I don't want to see all hundred epics when I'm only concentrating on 5 or 6 for the current release.
We desperately need this and it's unbelievable it still hasn't been addressed.
I also would love to see this implemented! We work with quick filters all the time but the epic overview is a mess.
If I apply a filter, the issue list shrinks to only relevant issues. The list of epics does not change.
If I then click on an epic, I can wind up with zero issues showing, because there's nothing in that epic relevant to the filter.
It's not helpful or useful to have all the epics still there; it just results in extra scrolling and time to find the epic of interest.
The point of using a filter is to narrow focus, reduce screen noise, down to items of interest.
This behaviour is non-intuitive and contrary to standard drill-down UX. On shopping sites, when I narrow down my selection, the left-nav options adjust accordingly to provide useful finer-grain tuning.
Issue was opened 2019. How long are you going to gather feedback? I think it's clear what users want (at least those who "stumbled" across this task - but there are way more complaining about this). At least please give some kind of feedback. Do you consider this request? Why don't you answer for years now? What is the current status? Are there obstacles? Not a very agile approach I'm witnissing here... Cheers!
It makes no sense to filter out one part of the screen content and the other one to remain unfiltered.
For me this is a bug and should be fixed.
+1 This would make life much easier for our project managers! And engineering leads. And engineers.
This should be considered a bug and not an improvement. Data is not consistent between issues and epics when you filter it. Please add it.
Hey Guys,
Can you please complete this enhancement. We really need this asap.
+1 - Filtering by Epic definitely will make it less noisy. In our case need to filter out epics, that are either further down the line, either are for another team. We have a common backlog for two teams. Have few common projects and several different.
We're using Components to tag Products - we manage a collection of Products in one Project.
Need to be able to filter to see Epics & Stories relating to a single Product, in order to effectively prioritize work items.
The quick filter narrows down the Stories, but we're left with all Project Epics, and no indication of which Epic relates to the filtered Stories.
I would think, once a filter is applied, only Epics relating to the displayed Stories would be shown.
We use Single Board for DevOps team which assists multiple Product Teams.
Quick filters are used in that board in order to let team easily focus on tasks of a particular Product's Epics.