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  1. Jira Platform Cloud
  2. JRACLOUD-90111

Provide time estimation for team-managed projects


    • 7
    • Our product teams collect and evaluate feedback from a number of different sources. To learn more about how we use customer feedback in the planning process, check out our new feature policy.

      Atlassian status as of June 2021

      Hi everyone,

      This is Mark from the Jira Software team. Great news – we have now released this feature!

      • Time estimation is now a project feature, meaning you can choose the estimation type that fits your need.
      • You can view the total time estimated per issues and per sprints in the Backlog.
      • And you can view the Burnup, Burndown and Velocity reports based on time estimation.   

      Thank you again for your suggestion to enable time estimation for team-managed projects.



      Just as story points estimation has recently been shipped in next-gen projects, please also provide the possibility of using a time estimate as an estimation criteria

              e4bb9a47d132 Mark Z (Inactive)
              clionte Claudiu Lionte (Inactive)
              468 Vote for this issue
              297 Start watching this issue
