How about some suggested acceptance criteria for these suggested feature additions to the dashboard?
Control Chart
- Can select parameters to be assessed for control (not a canned report)
- Can select number of standard deviations for display
- Can show values at full 1-1 scale or at running averages; running average chunks can be set as options
- Can optionally show warning lines
- Can select time range for display
- Can zoom in on an area (time or count axis) without losing the original scale and magnitude of data plots
- When hovering over a region on the chart, the time and count values are shown (not the Jira issue keys)
- Can set parameters to remove outlier data
- All set parameters are optionally visible on the page, not hidden behind options pop-ups, project settings, or admin instance settings which are not visible from the dashboard
Cumulative Flow Diagram (CFD)
- Can be shown for all status value details or at a roll-up by status category
- Can be shown at a project, epic, or filter scope (including spanning multiple projects)
- Can set the granularity of time axis values: all changes, by day, by week, etc.
- Can select time range for display
- Can zoom in on an area (time or count axis) without losing the original scale and magnitude of data plots
- When hovering over a region on the chart, the time and count values are shown (not the Jira issue keys) for each status. For example, at a particular date hovering over Done shows how many items are done without needing to guess based upon the location on the vertical axis.
- All set parameters are optionally visible on the page, not hidden behind options pop-ups, project settings, or admin instance settings which are not visible from the dashboard
- Tips/flags can be enabled to show workflow issues with things such as backflow, conservation of flow errors, issue substitution churn, etc.