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  1. Jira Service Management Cloud
  2. JSDCLOUD-5231

JIRA ServiceDesk: Problem with finiding my Confluence Space while linking to ServiceDesk


      Hi all,

      I'm experiencing an issue when linking Confluence Space to Jira ServiceDesk. It may be a very specific case as we have many spaces. Confluence and JIRA are properly linked.

      1) go to the Settings of the Service Desk
      2) select under Knowledge Base section "Confluence KB"
      3) Pick Link to a knowledge base
      4) Pick Application (Confluence instance)
      5) The space doesn't get listed in the dropdown
      6) So try to type the name which is in our case "Pangea Digital Help Center"
      7) the animated circle keep spinning and nothing shows up.

      Please refer to the attached video where you can see that the space exists and you can see there all described steps including Javascript console log which gets filled by exceptions as I click the dropdown / start typing.

      Thank you,

        1. jira-sd-issue.mp4
          3.03 MB
          Jaroslav Lhotak

              vtruong Vu 🎧
              0acbf8ed0659 Jaroslav Lhotak
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