Resolution: Answered
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NOTE: This suggestion is for JIRA Service Desk Cloud. Using JIRA Service Desk Server? See the corresponding suggestion.
Attachment can be visible within Customer Portal only if it was attached during ticket creation, comment / add attachment functionality by a client, or attached and then added to comment via a wiki markup link by an agent. It would be nice if I could mark my attachments in JIRA issue view to be displayed on Customer Portal Request view.
When adding comments to an issue that will be viewed through a Customer Portal, ensure they're added as part of the comment as per https://jira.atlassian.com/secure/WikiRendererHelpAction.jspa?section=attachments, for example:
For more information why this issue is marked as closed, please refer to this comment.
- is duplicated by
JSDCLOUD-141 Cannot see attachments in Service Desk view
- Closed
- is related to
JSDSERVER-43 Attachments within Customer Portal request view
- Closed
- is superseded by
JSDCLOUD-610 Make it easier for Service Desk team members to attach customer-visible files to a ticket
- Closed
- was cloned as
JSDCLOUD-4646 Enable attachments added via Jira issue create to be visible on the portal
- Gathering Interest
[JSDCLOUD-43] Attachments within Customer Portal request view
I agree, this is a big issue, and needs to be resolved. Please reopen this ticket, We should be able to attache spreadsheets or any documents we need to send to the client!
Plus the fact that we can attach documents which clients cannot see/access is confusing for everyone.
Seeing the same issue, does not appear to be resolved Change to wiki renderer solved it for me
The same applies for us there is no interaction possible with our internal customers. Is there any update? Thx
Why this suggestion is closed? We can't interact with our Customers becuase they don't see any attachments.
For me this is a BUG, and very important.
Could you respond?
I just came across this too after customer informed they could not open the Excel attachment. This is basic SD functionality. Any update on this? Is this fixed in some other issue or why is this one closed?
This is a big issue. We are a helpdesk and we send attachments of images all the time. Now we have to either put the image attachment in a word document (which the word link works btw), or email the person separately to give them the attachment, which defeats the purpose of having a service desk tool. This is by design? Seriously??? I can't even see the image attachments we make in comments as part of the portal page. Please fix this ASAP.
This should be basic functionality. I am also asking for this to be reopened and fixed. This isn't some free software, I pay for this.
copy the link of the attachment and past it on the comment field. Customer can view the link and download them.
Only came across this after the client started complaining. It's nuts that I can't share screenshots with the customers.
Also facing this issue and it´s pretty annoying. Please reopen it
We are still facing this very critical issue. Please reopen this ticket!!
Also facing this issue and it´s pretty annoying. Please reopen it
We are facing the same issue. We use JSD on cloud.
Please reopen this issue.
Can't vote for this as issue is closed. Attachments should be visible to customer's by default.
@Oliviu and @Zans, this is happening due to the renderer. Change the comment renderer in service desk to wiki style and it should be resolved.
I agree. This is kind of a dealbreaker for our agents and customers. Please reopen and resolve.
Can we reopen this ticket ???
The workaround is not an acceptable solution.
The issue is not closed in my Service Desk.
Please, I need any response because its very importan this request
The customers can not see attachements within Customer Portal
The issue is not closed in my Service Desk.
Please, I need any response because its very importan this request
The customers can not see attachements within Customer Portal
This is not working for us yet.
For the workaround, when inserting an image via a comment, it only inserts a thumbnail and the customer can't see the full size image. However, if the agent posts the link to the image, the customer can click that.
The issue is not closed in my Service Desk.
Please, I need any response because its very importan this request
The customers can not see attachements within Customer Portal
Almost every week i receive from users/agents those "small bugs" who drain my energy to solve it...
The option with the add attachements via Customer Portal it's so low... (even if i recomend to use it)
Came with a fix, please.
personnaly the issue is not closed in my Service Desk.
if I use the invocation pattern [^Mydoc.extension] in comment.
In the portal I have just the pattern text. No link.
EDIT: A better workaround for us, but breaks flow, is to use the "View customer request" link in the service desk sidebar and add the attachment via the Customer portal. This is not an obvious solution and seems inefficient. It is, however, better than elevating a "Customer"/portal user to a full-blown JIRA user, just to provide visibility to internally-attached items.
Another upvote.
From an internal customer of ours:
Re: Develop utility to create customized 1-for-1 traveler/job sheets for E2 Work Orders
I cannot find any attachment on this page. What are you waiting on from me? I am happy to help if needed.
Stunned that something as simple (and obvious) as attachments are not supported in the customer portal. Pictures are worth a 1,000 words and all of that...
My unsustainable work around is to add this "customer" as an internal user (which defeats the purpose/intent to leverage the favorable Customer licensing model).
Am shocked this was not possible, when a member of my team queried why a customer couldnt see an attachment (which has caused days of delays) i was shocked to discover the customer really couldnt see it.
Sort it out atlassian, and start listening to your customers... large and small.. and we are a large one that pay a hell of a lot for your license fees, the number of hacks i've had to do already, its getting frustrating.
It seems we can not upvote this request and I've yet to see Atlassian provide a concrete answer on when or even if they will address this huge service desk deficiency in the numerous questions and issues regarding it. As others have said, the attachment markup approach is a WORKAROUND, not a solution.
Why isn't Atlassian listening to its customers? Is this problem that difficult to solve? Do you understand the importance of such a core function for service desk product?
The wiki markup is not a good solution. If you try to open the link in outlook, it is formatted incorrectly and will be unavailable to open. Same with the service desk portal. It works in Exchange OWA.
Atlassian should add an option in an issue when you add an issue (and to already added attachments) if you want to make it visible for the customer aswell or an "Include in this comment" box, so when you comment on an issue it will also attach the attachments you've selected to mail sent to the user and make it available on the service desk portal.
As we are growing pretty rapidly this function is becoming more and more missed. This is functionality that we had in our previous service desk which was a much more basic system then JIRA is.
until Atlassian provides a permanent mechanism, you can try this free addons, works pretty good.
If you add this comment [^documentname.docx] it allows the users to see it.
How is this resolved? I need to attach manuals that will help our users to solve their problems. Long term plan is to put those onto Confluence wiki page, but that is still few months away...
OK, I understand now that I can wrap file name in [^], but surely this is not a viable long term solution. I suggest a mechanism gets implemented that would allow agents to select attachments that are visible to their customers.
Didn't realize it was a completed task . But i do not see a Resolution log for it .
Hi Atlassian ,
We are having the same issue where the Customer's cannot view the attachment's added by the agents . This is doubling the effort for customer responses and limiting the functionality of the Customer Portal .
Besides when Customer receives the email notification, the file isn't added but it's just link and you must be login to the portal in order to download the file ... Same problem for images ... JSD 2.1.1
Hi JIRA Help Desk
This is becoming everyday critical for us and we are unable to move out existing / new customers to Jira .
Attaching files to customers is part of our everyday tickets - Kindly look into this urgently and provide solution
I am not sure why status of this job is "DONE" as I clearly don't see solution on this
Regards Shelly
Hi All,
I believe I'm having a similar issue.
- In Customer Portal:
- Customer can attach files, and see those same files
- Customer CANNOT see files attached by Agents
I also tried making the customer a Collaborator AND an Administrator – same result – can ONLY see files attached by self, NOT those attached by support view / agent view.
@Stian : yes we are using Outlook and Ooutlook 360, but even through the customer portal we have the same issue...
@ Atlassian : why not manage attachments like comments with a little padlock ?
@Stian : yes we are using Outlook and Ooutlook 360, but even through the customer portal we have the same issue...
@ Atlassian : why not manage attachments like comments with a little padlock ?
Mathieu: Are you using Outlook? I had the same experience and it seems Outlook formats the URL to the attachment incorrectly. I can open then via webmail or through the customer portal.
Thank you SO much sharing the the issue with grey JSD reports. I've been scratching my head for weeks over that one!
This issue needs to be fixed by Atlassian. Attaching files to customers is a native and must have functionality in any service desk!
Cant this be easily fixed by automatically "tagging" the attachment the same way as it is when added through the customer portal for all issues in a service desk?
OMG Thx Mathieu for sharing "it make all our JSD reports grey", we have open a ticket to atlassian support ...
hi all,
I tried Solveka add on but it does not work for us : custmer can not access to the folder where the attachments are stored, and it make all our JSD reports grey (I have no idea how it can impact that)...
It is really a big problem for us...please fix it ASAP !!!
Solveka add-on is working fine with our Service Desk installation. We definitely recommend it.
Hi All
The offered solution is not going to work with our customers. How do I embed PDF into the comment ?
Regards Shelly
This seems like a bug to me as well, instead of a 'missing feature'. Attachments work FROM the customer but not TO the customer? Except there is a file attchment box built right in the respond screen. As one of my service desk agents mentioned "why is it there if it doesn't work?". Why indeed.
So many service desk instances require attaching files to the customer. Going outside of the service desk to attach files via email sort of defeats the point.
We wanted to roll service desk out to many of our other departments but this is a big problem. Since we're a cloud instance, the add in doesn't work for us either. Some developer help on this would be great.
Please give https://marketplace.atlassian.com/plugins/tr.com.solveka.jira.solveka-jira-drag-drop-files a try
Hi imane.assoud,
Could you create a support ticket at https://support.atlassian.com?
That way we can provide you with support specific to your circumstances and with higher security.
The credentials should be the same as for this site (https://jira.atlassian.com).
JIRA Service Desk Product Team
Hello Guys,
We have the same problem for our customers who cannot see attachments provided by the support team, which is really frustrating for them. I do not think this has changed in the latest version of JSD, can you please confirm?
Best regards,
Hi There
Please note the offered solution does not work with our clients. We upload files like log files / user guides etc via JIRA for our customers to see via Portal . But having to add them in the comment itself ???? It can go upto 10 pages of user guide with screen shots etc .
Please provide permanent solution for this
Regards Shelly
Travel Bytes
Will there be a feature in the future to do this in an automated manner. Wiki markup is ok but not very user friendly for agents.
Would be nice to have an option next to an existing attachment to "embed" in a comment.
I was reading this https://jira.atlassian.com/secure/WikiRendererHelpAction.jspa?section=attachments
it perfectly works for .jpg and images but I don't see how to show my .doc or .docx or .xls
I really need my clientes to see the documents I attach for them.
Thanks for the support.
Yes! So the thing holding my specific use case of attaching files via wiki markup (excel and word/pdf) is the bug that these are not accessible from wiki markup for customers to view. This is the bug I am referring to: https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/JSD-643
All attachments are available (via direct HTTP request) to any logged in user with appropriate access to the ticket. If an attachment is placed on a ticket via the Agent view or JIRA's native issue view, then the customer will not have a way to get the link for this attachment, nor will they know of it. Unless it is exposed to them via a direct link, or embedded via markup in a comment.
Does that make sense?
Hi Shihab Hamid [Atlassian],
Does 1) mean that we currently have the ability to make an attachment "internal" or "external"? Or this is in the works, via JSD-610?
Thank you for listening to us. I look forward to the proposed improvements being implemented.
Thanks for your feedback on this issue!
We can certainly see these comments and suggestions on issues even after they are closed. We also understand that this is an important aspect of the service desk for many of you.
To clear up some potential confusion, let me explain a little bit more about where our thinking is at with attachments overall:
1) Should there be some security control on whether attachments are viewable by in the customer portal?
We have certainly seen and heard many use cases of customers wanting / needing the capability to control individual attachments and their visibility in the customer portal. In fact, JIRA itself had many similar requests (eg. JRA-6185). Now that we have a completely separate customer portal, we apply the same philosophy to attachments like we do to comments. We can now provide our customers a way to control which attachment is deemed "internal" and "external".
2) Where should the attachments appear in the customer portal?
In the JIRA interface, we have made attachments a standalone section which lists all attachments. However, we have found that this approach lacked context for many customers using it for a service desk interaction, especially when there is significant back-and-forth conversation in an issue. For example, when there are many similarly named log files - it becomes difficult to understand which was the latest one to look at. The filename (in combination with the date added) can alleviate some of this, but we believe a better approach to how we display attachments is to treat it as part of the conversation in the comment stream.
Based on these two considerations, we have built attachments in the customer portal to leverage the way comments work. Attachments appear only in comments because they can give context to why the attachments are there. Attachments are controlled in terms of visibility by the security level set on the comment. However, in the current implementation, we have not done a good job explaining in the JIRA interface when attachments will become visible to users in the customer portal, and admittedly, the experience to do this can be significantly improved - requiring wiki markup, etc.
So, moving forward, we believe the correct way to address your concerns is to significantly improve the experience for attaching an image and have it displayed alongside a customer visible comment. We have plans to address this and are tracking this on JSD-610. Please vote for and watch this issue for updates.
I had an audio conference with 3 people from the service desk team at Atlassian yesterday and re-iterated my frustrations that this (and several other related) issues never get any attention, despite the large number of comments and votes they receive. I didn't get anything reassuring in response "we take all requests seriously, evaluate them and agree and work on the ones that will deliver the biggest value" etc etc etc
Not sure why this is closed, this is a big miss. Other enterprise ticketing systems allow attachments. Is someone taking a look for a real resolution and not a work around?