Resolution: Unresolved
Our product teams collect and evaluate feedback from a number of different sources. To learn more about how we use customer feedback in the planning process, check out our new feature policy.
NOTE: This suggestion is for JIRA Service Desk Cloud. Using JIRA Service Desk Server? See the corresponding suggestion.
Our Service Desk team uses a "pull" model meaning the entire Service Desk team monitors a queue for work and then pulls work to themselves by clicking the "Assign to me" button.
However, if person A clicks "Assign to me", and person B had that issue open, person B isn't aware that person A took the ticket so they will click "Assign to me" and then the ticket will move from A to B. Instead, we would prefer the screen to auto-refresh and/or person B get a warning that "the ticket has changed since you loaded the information" so that this does not happen.
Auto-refresh would also enable the SLA timers to be correctly updated if the user has the issue open for a little while.
Consider using Dashboard. The Filter Results gadget has an Update every 15 minutes option.
- is related to
JSDCLOUD-404 Jira Service Desk Queue Should Have an option to Auto Update
- Closed
JSDCLOUD-726 Add auto-refresh functionality on Queues page
- Closed
JSDCLOUD-6288 Queue Refresh
- Closed
JSDSERVER-433 Auto-refresh and/or warn user if the ticket has changed
- Gathering Interest
Form Name |
[JSDCLOUD-433] Auto-refresh and/or warn user if the ticket has changed
We need this feature to use the full potential of forms! Our use case: When a customer creates a request selecting certain options then forms should be attached (according to the service customers selection when creating the request) so that additional specific information can be gathered. However, when the customer has created the request, no forms are visible for the customer. Only after a refresh of the page the customer sees the form(s) attached. This impairs the whole smooth, don't-make-me-think process. If at least we could add an auto-refresh action to an automation...
For me, I would like the SLA panel in the issue view, to auto-refresh after the priority is changed.
Currently agents have to refresh the page manually
How can this be in 2024? Another basic functionality that Jira Server supportet but Cloud don't...
This appears to be another very popular client request being ignored by atlassian
Is this rolled out to all yet? Where can we see the design for how this is supposed to work?
We are seeing some automatic updates on the issues now. However, I think the behaviour is not consistent. From my testing I note the following;
Issue view
- When another user comments, the comment will appear
- When another user transitions, the status is updated
- When a field is edited, the field updates
- When a form is added, the issue does not update automatically
The status and fields update automatically and if you're not looking you will probably not notice it's been updated. I'm sure it used to display a popup dialog window saying the something had changed.
Adding Forms does not update automatically, which is a problem as we have processes/workflows where either the reporter or assignee is asked to fill in and submit a form in order to allow the issue to progress. The workaround we have is ensuring the automation rules that add the forms also add a comment.
Customer portal view
- When an agent comments, the page does not auto-refresh
- When and agent transitions the issue, the page does not auto-refresh
- When a field is edited, the page does not auto-refresh
- When a form is added, either manually or via a rule, the form does not automatically appear
The lack of refreshing on the portal view is a big problem for us as we have a large number of request where agents or automation rules add Forms to the customer requests. We're dependent on the reporters checking their notifications. Which many are not very good at doing.
When will this feature be available for everybody in Jira Service Management Cloud?
At the moment, it's quite time-consuming to always refresh the "Waiting for Support"-queue for example manually or if several people are working on the ticket, you always need to refresh manually.
Thanks a lot for working on this feature.
We still don't see this behaviour on our instances? Is there anyone we can contact regarding getting this enabled for our various JSM instances?
Hi Everyone,
I wanted to provide you with an update on JSDCLOUD-433, the feature that we have been working on. The feature has been rolled out successfully for a number of users. We will gradually roll out this feature to all users in the coming weeks. We have staged this rollout to ensure we deliver a performant and optimal feature.
Product Manager- Jira Cloud
That's great news @Matt.
So, just to confirm: Jira confirms that Service tickets should auto-refresh every time there is an update (e.g. a new comment) unless another app is blocking this feature, and you have managed to get this working in your environment, correct? I'm talking about Jira Cloud here.
I appreciate you following this up, it's a very frustrating issue for our team!
Update for all following the issues experienced that Atlassian have been investigating. They have actually confirmed that auto-refresh/real-time updates are supported functionality within Jira:
Good Day!
Appreciate your patience on this.
I got a confirmation from our developers that the Auto-refresh/Real-time updates are supported within Jira. However, are programmatically disabled if some connect/forge apps are present like Miro.
I also understood that we have an EAP for this fix, I am working with our developers to get the feature request updates with the EAP details.
I will get back to you with more details on the same as early as possible. In the meantime, if there are any questions, please feel free to update the request.
SivaKalyan G"
Morning @Marcel,
I am unsure on how to activate this if I'm honest with you. From testing and troubleshooting we completed when our auto refresh stopped working it looks like other Jira Service Management and Jira Software products within our SEN do not have this feature.
When I raised the ticket with Atlassian support they advised of this ticket reference and said it was not possible. However we managed to get a demo video of tickets live updating in our sandbox environment and supplied to Atlassian. We have asked how this is possible if they have advised that there is no such thing as auto-refresh as we can see this actively working in our environment.
The ticket is currently still open as I have asked Atlassian to confirm how these tickets are auto-refreshing if this is not "Standard" functionality as I feel the next time this breaks again we will be told again by Atlassian that this is not supported.
I can feed back if Atlassian ever feedback on how this is currently working as I feel a lot of customers would benefit from this functionality.
kind regards,
Hello @Matt,
You mention that "Our instance of Jira Cloud has an auto refresh and update". I'd be grateful if you could explain how to activate that.
Does this solve the auto-refresh problem of Jira service tickets?
Our instance of Jira Cloud has an auto refresh and update. However following an add-on install this stopped work. Atlassian kept pointing us back to this knowledge article advising that Auto-fresh is not possible.
We can see instantly changes to status and assignee within the ticket within Jira however following the install of the Miro plug-in this stopped the refresh from working.
Worth while if this issue happens to you in future to check plug-ins installed on the environment.
Hopefully this helps someone within the community.
This is very important for us. We are working with many automations and the user cannot see the changes without refresh the page.
I got annoyed so hard by this flaw, that i wrote a userscript for handling this on JSD Cloud. It is far from beeing perfect or elegant (im not a JS guy), but it does its job. For german and english:
It simply replaces the "Assign to me" link in the issue-view with a own function which checks on click if the displayed assignee equals the one retrieved via API for the issue and displays a popup if they are not similar or otherwise assigns the issue.
I still don't understand why Atlassian doesn't have an out-of-the-box response for this basic feature. Rather, it would be more reasonable to convince us that they are devices designed to bypass traffic due to the structural limitations of SaaS-type applications. Atlassian will have to make a clear distinction between basic and additional features.
I do assume the more "rational" features on your roadmap are relevant and likely well researched in the customer base. But I also want to point out that it's really hard to convince the actual power users of the application (support agents) when choosing Service Management if you're not working with it anyways.
Our support team is working with Service Management right now but the obnoxious work cycle of writing a response, then copying it in the clipboard or some local document, then reloading the page to check if the customer or a colleage has come back and then pasting the content back in to respond to the customer is one of the key issues that currently drives evaluating migrating to a more user centric product.
@Jehan Gonsalkorale
This is very disappointing to hear that we wont see anything on this for potentially another year.
The recommended work around is not good enough, these tickets in a service desk product should be dynamic, we should not need to resort to backing out to a dashboard and relying on a 15 minute minimum refresh.
As others have mentioned - this is a feature that has existed in SD products for years.
Hello Jehan,
Thank you for explaining some of your competing areas of work.
Please do take into consideration that this is not a "product feature request", but a shortcoming / oversight / bug that simply should not exist in a modern web application like JSD.
Let me explain:
We have an automation that ensures the status transitions to another one. We use this type of automation to ensure status like "waiting for customer" and "in progress" are properly changing when an agent posts a reply to customer, and also to set assignee to the triggering user, in case assignee is empty.
The status and assignee do get changed - but the agent will never see it change, unless he refreshes the page.
Now to illustrate the "bug" nature - when the agent would now click the status button, to view available transitions, it becomes messy....
The status name hasn't been updated to what has been set by automation, the button still shows the OLD status.
But clicking that button with old status then present possible transitions from the NEW status, and NOT the ones associated from the OLD status.
It's really confusing for agents to deal with incorrect (outdated) status fields in combination with transition options that are not even possible from the shown status.
Training agents to understand this is difficult, and it shows a large defect in the application.
I'm sure you'll agree that this should be considered a bug and this should be fixed accordingly?
The AJAX logic to update elements of a view is already present in JSD, as the queue view auto-updates (within 30s or so) when assignee or status are changing, without the need to refresh the page.
All that would be needed is to have this behavior inside the issue view as well, for Jira fields. Optionally with a warning message to the agent informing about background changes made (for our use case not required and actually not desired!). Just updating value(s) on fields present/visible in the issue view would greatly help.
Thanks you for your consideration!
Hi all,
We are sorry to inform you that we will not be able to work on this in the next 6-12 months.
We recognise that this is a valuable use case but have to prioritise higher priority items. What we will be delivering in the next 12 months includes:
- Ability to change the issue type of a request type
- Forms in issue create in Jira
- Ability to add any field on your instance within the request type configuration (without navigating to the underlying screens)
- New templates for business teams
- Separate activity feed in the issue view for approvals (that shows who has approved in real time)
This is not all the work we are doing but shows what some of the competing areas of work are.
Please continue to vote and comment here, we do review these tickets often and always read the comments.
Best regards,
Jehan Gonsalkorale
Product Manager, Jira Service Management
The suggested workaround "Consider using Dashboard. The Filter Results gadget has an Update every 15 minutes option." feels like a complete misunderstanding of the purpose of this enhancement request. Dashboards - ignoring that 15 minutes is approximately 14:59 minutes to long - are not helpful when a user is inside a ticket. Many other ticket based platforms update automatically and immediately, AJAX-style.
Our users are having the same issue. I am surprised that Jira doesn't have the basic features of a responsive website.
Using the API to update a field, it would be useful if this change was presented to the user immediately rather than with a manual refresh. This is a common functionality of a modern web app.
This is a very basic function. I am dissatisfied that Atlassian is missing this basic part. Our agents press the F5 (refresh) button every 10 seconds. Is this the direction Atlassian wants?
Upvoting this feature!
If something has been changed, ie: updated status of parent, only after manual refresh you see the updated status..
We just migrated to the cloud, but this is something we really miss as well.
Commenting for more weight. It's amazing that Jira doesn't have this as basic functionality. Zendesk does.
Please look into adding this feature. I have been using Jira SD for a couple years now and this is seemingly a very basic feature that may not appear important, but is.
Very related to JIRAAUTOSERVER-281.
Strongly supporting this. We faced already a lot of confusion as values were changed by automation rules, but resulting changes were not displayed without manual reload.
Super essential functionality for us! Come on Atlassian! I think 8 years is enough to gather interest for this functionality...
8 years to gather interest ....... the Conclave takes less time to elect the Pope!
Are we in the cloud and in 2022 or 1988 with my 386?
I've seen this functionally already when using JSD and automation from the Jira Automation section on the Jira ticket view (right console), so should be extended-fixed soon... I hope!
Recently the queues we are using in our Jira Service Desk (f.i. all 'open tickets') is not 'auto-updating' any more?!
Collaborators that are working from those queues are therefore not fully aware of the tickets that are coming in that queues and therefore need to 'manualle reload' the page to see an up-to-date queue.
This was, until recently, not te case.
Any thoughts on this?
Thanks, W
Is it wrong to say that users still need to manually refresh the queues in September 2021? Asking for a co-worker
If there IS an auto-refresh in place, what is the interval?
This feature would be very useful and essential for dealing with live faults across our teams.
This would be very useful feature to not need to do such a slow page Reloads to see new comments...
We are in 2021, we have to update the queues manually, is there any roadmap with this attached?
We are in 2020, we have to update the queues manually, is there any roadmap with this attached?
We are on 2019, we have to update the queues manually, is there any roadmap with this attached?
Since JIRA 7 the JIRA Quick Reload / Issue Edit Notifications Plugin works not in Service Desk context:
This was a good workaround.
This is an awesome idea and one of the pain points in the ticket system we are using now. If this feature were in Jira we would definitely switch.
is this implemented? We are using JIRA service desk cloud and need the page to auto refresh very badly. Gmail, github all have this. The main purpose of service desk is to capture issue needs on a timely basis and act upon it. Without this feature, my team is missing out on the updates when they have the issue page open and someone else comments before they make a change.
How are agents supposed to know a new ticket has arrived? no audible alert, no page reload. This seems like a basic required functionality, not a nice to have.
We need this functionality, we cannot have a fluent communication between customer and agent.