Resolution: Fixed
As of 30 October, we have finished the process of assigning Universal Unique Identifiers (UUIDs) to all existing forms, including the older ones that initially lacked them. This ensures that our Forms APIs now support all forms.
We are excited to announce that we have released the capability to obtain form attachments through our Forms API and the Jira Service Management Public API. You can find all the details about these updates in the changelog entries Get metadata on all form attachments and Supporting form attachments when get attachments.
Furthermore, we now support the saving of form answers and the retrieval of external form data. The changelog entry is here.
ShowAs of 30 October, we have finished the process of assigning Universal Unique Identifiers (UUIDs) to all existing forms, including the older ones that initially lacked them. This ensures that our Forms APIs now support all forms. We are excited to announce that we have released the capability to obtain form attachments through our Forms API and the Jira Service Management Public API. You can find all the details about these updates in the changelog entries Get metadata on all form attachments and Supporting form attachments when get attachments . Furthermore, we now support the saving of form answers and the retrieval of external form data. The changelog entry is here . -
Our product teams collect and evaluate feedback from a number of different sources. To learn more about how we use customer feedback in the planning process, check out our new feature policy.
Update 30 October 2023 - API support for older forms, saving form answers and form attachments As of 30 October, we have finished the process of assigning Universal Unique Identifiers (UUIDs) to all existing forms, including the older ones that initially lacked them. This ensures that our Forms APIs now support all forms.
We are excited to announce that we have released the capability to obtain form attachments through our Forms API and the Jira Service Management Public API. You can find all the details about these updates in the changelog entries Get metadata on all form attachments and Supporting form attachments when get attachments.
Furthermore, we now support the saving of form answers and the retrieval of external form data. The changelog entry is here.
Therefore, we are closing this issue as resolved.
Developer - Forms
ShowUpdate 30 October 2023 - API support for older forms, saving form answers and form attachments As of 30 October, we have finished the process of assigning Universal Unique Identifiers (UUIDs) to all existing forms, including the older ones that initially lacked them. This ensures that our Forms APIs now support all forms. We are excited to announce that we have released the capability to obtain form attachments through our Forms API and the Jira Service Management Public API. You can find all the details about these updates in the changelog entries Get metadata on all form attachments and Supporting form attachments when get attachments . Furthermore, we now support the saving of form answers and the retrieval of external form data. The changelog entry is here . Therefore, we are closing this issue as resolved. Iris Developer - Forms
Note: Forms API are now available and documentation is available here. We are continuing to work on the functionality available which is why this issue remains In Progress.
Problem Definition
It would be nice to have a REST API (similar to what Jira already has for its Core features) to integrate it with an external application and manage Forms.
Reproducing the following APIs form ProForma in Server/DC would be a good start:
Form Functions
- Add a form to an issue
- Submit a form
- Reopen a form
- Unlock a form
- Copy a form from one issue to another
- Change the visibility of a form
- Attach PDF of a form to an issue
Reporting / Export
- Access an array of form responses
- Download a PDF
- or JSON of form
Workaround to access the structure of the forms:
Examples of using the Experimental Forms API:
- causes
MOVE-139219 You do not have permission to view this issue
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[JSDCLOUD-10671] REST API for ProForma/Forms in Jira
Hi Iris (and other Atlassian),
If we go to the link https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/forms/changelog/#CHANGE-1193
The links mentioned there are referring to internal Atlassian pages:
Could you please correct them?
a6985d6e2f93 Hey, we have released Forms API for Jira Cloud a while ago. Please see the DAC here.
Based on the Proforma API documentation page, the API is only supported on Jira Server and Jira Data Center. Are there plans to support Jira Cloud as well?
Update 8 Aug 2023 - API support for creating customer request with a form |
As of 7 August, the ability to supply form answers when creating a customer request via the Jira Service Management Public API has shipped. The documentation for this endpoint is here and changelog entry may be found here. We are now working on assigning UUIDs to older forms that may not have them, so that our APIs are able to support all forms, and implementing an API endpoint to support updating the form answers on a portal request. Thanks, Paige Developer - Forms |
The endpoint for simplified form answers keeps returning FORM_NOT_FOUND even though it's the ID that's returned from the form index request. Would support be able to help with this? Disregard! I didn't know there's a smart value for this
We continue to release new APIs for Forms. The list of recent changes are available here.
This issue will remain In Progress until we have shipped the full set of APIs we have planned as part of the second milestone for Forms APIs.
PM - Forms/ProForma
Been 2 months since the last update on this. Sure would be nice to hear something positive on progress...
What is the status on this please?
- Resolve and share back: June 7, 2023
As of 5 May, we shipped the first batch of Forms APIs to all customers. The documentation for these endpoints is available here https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/forms/rest/intro/
We are now working on the second milestone for Forms APIs, which will allow Marketplace Partners such as Refined to integrate forms into their products. We have published a Request For Comment regarding the Forms APIs on the Atlassian Developer Community site (available here).
The RFC is running on the following milestones:
- Publish: May 9, 2023
- Discussion open until: May 30, 2023
- Resolve and share back: June 7, 2023
Please note This issue will remain In Progress until we have shipped the second milestone for Forms APIs.
PM - Forms/ProForma
As of 5 May, we shipped the first batch of Forms APIs to all customers. The documentation for these endpoints is available here https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/forms/rest/intro/
We are now working on the second milestone for Forms APIs, which will allow Marketplace Partners such as Refined to integrate forms into their products.
This issue will remain In Progress until we have shipped the second milestone
PM - Forms/ProForma
Please add this feature. We want to be able to use Refined together with Jira Forms - and Refined needs these APIs to integrate with Jira Forms.
Is there any update on the progress?
And will this also bring some new actions for automations?
Best regards,
We are using Refined Theme and are really missing the ability to have some dependent/conditional fields. It would be great to open up that possibility for 3rd party vendors.
+1 on this, we need this feature urgently too as forms have more features that we need
We're receiving several requests from clients asking for Forms support in our mobile app, do you have any rough deadline for such API's, so we can update our customers???
Can you provide us an ETA when this feature will be released?
Simon is presenting at Team '23, wonder if they're holding on to any more details until then?
Or at least an over estimated guess. Are you working on this each day or is this just on a roadmap waiting for further prioritization. Are we looking at a month? 6months or a year?
Form created/submitted change the corresponding com.atlassian.jira.plugins.proforma-managed-fields type custom fields so they should be picked up by the issue event listener, but automation rules with the "issue edited" and "field changed" triggers are not triggered. It appears an event listener for form actions is required.
Do you plan to have an event listener also to know when a form was created / updated / submitted ?
Work has begun on this feature. As part of the initial milestone, we are looking to support the following features via the API. The exact endpoints will be confirmed closer to release.
- Export: Exporting a form and Jira fields
- Get Form Data: Retrieve form data in a variety of formats, including a simplified answer array and also PDF/XLSX
- Form Operations: Essential operations such as reopen/submit and changes to visibility (internal/external).
More updates will be provided in due course.
- Add a form to an issue
- Submit a form
Those two would be great to have exposed to an API
It would be great to be able to add/enable/disable options via the api!
I am happy to see that work is finally moving forward. Like others, we rely heavily on the Refined interface, and our current workaround for the Forms is clunky, confusing, and frustrating to users. We need Refined to be able to support the forms/ProForma functionality as soon as possible. This has been a significant barrier in our migration to Jira.
Thank you for the update Simon.
Another heavy Refined user here so this is amazing news. Can't wait to get this pushed though so we can make our tools more utilized.
Hi Simon,
Happy to hear that work will start in Jan. Like Eric said, I honestly hope that the rendering will include capabilities that will enable Refined to get forms to work correctly at their end. We rely on Refined and having forms function within Refined.
So, I really hope as work begins, the support of rendering and submission of a Form outside of Jira is implemented sooner or later, if Refined is considered outside of Jira.
Hi Simon,
Thanks for the update and nice to hear that work will begin soon. Can you please elaborate on the initial work not aiming to support rendering/submission of forms outside of Jira? Would the JSM customer role have permissions to access this API?
Depending on what rendering we're talking about, we at Refined may need that to get the forms to function correctly on our end. We have at least 100+ customers who are affected, and this number grows by the day considering it's also a blocker for many new or prospective customers. Many of the comments in this thread (approx. 20) are indicative of the impact this is having on customers using Refined.
Best regards,
Hi Simon,
Thank you for the updates.
I understand that the initial work is not aiming to support the rendering and submission of a form outside of Jira but it will be supported within Q1/Q2 2023, correct?
Thank you.
Preparation work for building the API has progressed. We have identified some prerequisite work that we need to do in order to create a public API (e.g. giving each form a unique ID). The development work on the API will formally start in January 2023.
The hope is to start making API endpoints available before April 2023; however, I cannot be certain when all of the APIs we want to build will be complete.
Please note that this initial work is not aiming to support the rendering and submission of a Form outside of Jira.
Product Manager Forms/ProForma
We are currently looking for ways to use Automation with Forms, and there's a big gap in the API/smartvalues when working with forms.
We have an Employee Onboarding form, where we ask for First name and Last name. I want to update the service request Summery with the concatenation of these fields, so that our tickets doesn't end up as a long list of "Employee onboarding" (name of the form) without details in their summary.
Please add this feature as soon as possible. Most of our requests use forms and we need this added for Refined.
I'm hoping it's being worked on now but the roadmap is signposting for public release around Q2 2023
If there is an opportunity to get involved sooner for input / feedback / testing... Please let us know. We're desperate for this.
Please enable Refined to work with custom forms. Default portal is not enough to work as a customer facing service portal and Refined has really made a difference here, Lets get the Forms API going as soon as possible please!
To fly for real with Jira Cloud we really need this feature. Please consider it asap.
Is there an update to this?
Refined is one of your best developers out there , they really bring the Customer Portal experience to what is needs to be to be really competitive.
All JSM functionality is present through Refined, but they lack API access to be able to use forms, which is now native JSM functionality. With that would only be logical that Atlassian also builds API support for Forms, so Refined can leverage it.
Pretty please prioritize this so we can have the best UX customer experience possible.
@Manas Bagde
Can't talk about the 2nd URL as I only tested the first. I'd assume the 2nd URL is for updating or some other purpose.
The first URL definitely works. You must perform a POST request. I would verify your authorization header, site, cloudId, and Smart Value syntax (my original post's code-block has the syntax correct). You can also check the response code and body for details on why it failed. Without more info, I can't say much other than "works for me".
Make sure your credentials are base64 encoded in the header. If your username is "Aladdin" and your API key is "open sesame", you would combine them with a ":" to become "Aladdin:open sesame", run it through a base64 encoder (CLI, online tool you trust, etc) and you would get "QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ==". So, your header would be:
Authorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ==
Assuming one has a form which submits to a request type and creates an issue, my example code will download the submitted form data in XLSX format.
Using this code, one should also be able to figure out any other form-related API calls in combination with their browser's network inspection tools should they require some other parts of this API. One can also rewrite the curl request using whatever language and http request library they choose. It's meant for anyone else who may need to test/use this feature before an official API release is provided by Atlassian. That's it, nothing more.
@Derek White - Just fyi.. I tried with the below 2 url's in the "Send Web Request" automation. Both the url's are not working.
2nd url is failing with 404 page not found error.
https://<Jira site>.atlassian.net/gateway/api/proforma/cloudid/<cloudID>/api/3/portal/2/issues/issue.id.urlEncode/form/1
Thanks for adding in this solution and I look forward to its release.
Should anyone else need code which will download form data, here's some sample code (no warranty, no support, just a nudge) which you can use as a basis with Cloud Jira. I'm sure one can poke and prod at this specific API based on the requests a Form-based issue makes to get more metadata should one need it. I do not work for Atlassian.
1. Make sure you have an API Token for your cloud instance that has permissions to your project using ProForma/Jira forms.
2. Make sure to get your cloud ID (it appears to be a UUID in the URL of your request) from a sample request using ProForma, this should be the same across requests from what I've observed.
Sample Code
#!/bin/bash # this code is provdied as-is, purely as an example, and comes with no warranty or support JIRA_CLOUD_SUBDOMAIN="your subdomain" CLOUD_ID="your cloud ID (get from a request on your form issue page)" JIRA_USERNAME="your jira login email" JIRA_API_TOKEN="an api token tied to your user" ISSUE_ID="the numerical issue id (12345), not the issue key (OPS-1), can be gotten from other api calls" curl -D- \ -X GET \ -u "${JIRA_USERNAME}:${JIRA_API_TOKEN}" \ --output "test.xlsx" \ "https://${JIRA_CLOUD_SUBDOMAIN}.atlassian.net/gateway/api/proforma/cloudid/${CLOUD_ID}/api/1/issues/${ISSUE_ID}/forms/1/spreadsheet"
I implemented this as an Automation rule (web request action), so I have no code. The code block I pasted is a raw HTTP request, with all the info required to build the Automation rule.
You can get your cloudId from the admin URL. E.G. Admin -> User management takes you to https://admin.atlassian.com/o/<cloudId>/users
issue.id.urlEncode is a Smart Value. This is also noted when you create a web request automation action.
@Derek White - Could you elaborate the solution? Like where do we find the cloudID and what is the issue.id.urlEncode
Appreciate if you can share the sample code java / python?
The Web UI uses the following to add a form.
POST https://<site>.atlassian.net/gateway/api/proforma/cloudid/<cloudid>/api/2/issues/{{issue.id.urlEncode}}/forms Accept: application/json Content-Type: application/json Authorization: Basic <base64 email:key> {"templateFormId":2}
It also works from a web request Automation rule for Software projects, since Forms Automation rules only work with JSM.
You can get the form id from the URL when editing a form.
Be sure to replace <site> and <cloudid> and handle auth header.
I'm assuming now that Atlassian have acquired HALP and are promoting it's use of giving forms to users, this should be a pretty key dependency for it to work with Jira Forms anyway.
Only having access to the Jira fields is REALLY limitting.
Considering work was meant to start July - September and this is still showing as 'Under Consideration' can we pretty please have an update?
This would be valuable for us, as then we could add Forms to request forms and have them visible on Refined for Cloud.
@Simon Herd - Per the description, work will start on the enhancement during the quarter of July to September 2022. May i know whether this piece of work is scoped? Do you have any tentative development completion time?
We need a more customizable self-service portal than what Jira can offer at this time, can you please enable this feature so we can leverage some of your partners .
467bada285f8 Hi Rudy, thank you for pointing out the error in our changelog. We have fixed the links. We greatly appreciate your help.