Resolution: Unresolved
Our product teams collect and evaluate feedback from a number of different sources. To learn more about how we use customer feedback in the planning process, check out our new feature policy.
This is a feature we are sure we want to address as a part of our roadmap for Assets. Unfortunately it has not yet been scheduled as a number of other important features are being addressed first. I'll provide more updates as this changes.
All the best,
Justin King
Product Manager, Jira Service Management.ShowHello! This is a feature we are sure we want to address as a part of our roadmap for Assets. Unfortunately it has not yet been scheduled as a number of other important features are being addressed first. I'll provide more updates as this changes. All the best, Justin King Product Manager, Jira Service Management.
Currently, for Server/Data Center, we have an option to move one or more objects from one object type to another within the same object schema: Move Objects
This function helps to enable/disable inheritance using: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mPLTfsIJyVg
However, this function is not available in the Assets on Cloud.
Workaround 1
The objects can be exported from object type 1 and then imported into object type 2:
Export objects
Import objects
Workaround 2
Bulk clone objects to a different object type or schema using an Automation rule:
How to bulk clone objects to a different object type or schema using Automation for Assets
[JSDCLOUD-10000] Ability to move objects to another object type within object schema in Assets
Hello! We desperately need this. Please please please upgrade the priority and schedule it. It has been sorely missing since 2023 when we moved to Cloud. Jira Insight used to have this and it was a HUGE part of being able to have our inventory work smoothly.
This is so basic, it needs to happen asap. Assets is still just a side project with limited use at this point.
Happy New Year, everyone! May it be filled with joy, success, and - who knows - maybe even some miracles. Like Atlassian resolving to fix this bug. We can dream, right?
Dear Atlassian-Team
A flexible CMDB is nowadays an important component of modern IT Service Management.
If Jira Service Management wants to remain competitive, this feature should be integrated as a standard function, as it was in the past with the on-premises version.
Best regards,
Hello Team,
Here yet another use case why this is so critical to have:
- You build a nice CMDB where a user is an object
- Different Object Types link to the users
- Now you switch and/or use an asset importer to maintain the list of users
- --> You need to redo all of those links, because export/import will not retain the incoming links
Furthermore, it is common that a CMDB evolves and things get moved around and consolidated.
Hi Atlassian,
This is blocking one of the most requested features for our Shoppie app, and it’s quite difficult to believe that this functionality is not available. Many of our customers have been requesting this feature. Could you provide any feedback or a timeline for its availability?
Best regards,
Marin, CEO Caelor
Between this and JSDCLOUD-10975 I am struggling to justify paying for Jira Service Premium. The Assets feature is just not mature enough for the price tag.
I pledge you cannot name it "Assets" if that functionality is not given.
Do the workarounds cover the scenario where you have linked objects with 1:1 cardinality?
Hi 7260236ab89d, the last update was in Feb 2023, can you please provide another update, so we know where this stands, if this feature is at least being considered? This is a blocker for companies.
Unfortunately it looks like Asset Management improvements are not on Atlassian roadmap, since from acquisition from previous company, they pay almost zero attention, which is ridiculous since Asset Management is part of IT SM processes.
Very disappointed with Atlassian approach !
Please add this as without this functionality it makes the schemas/categories very rigid and hard to work with!
Thank you!
It is not fair to expect users to have their entire hierarchy mapped out before starting to use Assets, becauce you are unable to make simple reordering changes within the same schema.
The need to know how your schemas should be built, and not "allowing" users to become smarter and work agile with Assets, really goes against the way of working within IT.
I hope this feature become available really soon.
Atlassian team ? Please hurry up with this one ! It's making work with Assets more complicated.
Is there an explanation on why this feature isn't available when it was a core feature in Server?
Please ! this is absolutely mandatory in order to keep things running in IT AM operations !
This should be in looong time ago.
This would be VERY helpful to my company. We move devices between internal employees and contractors all the time but I'm not actually able to move the devices back and forth between those objects.
Our company is very interested in it, it would make our work much easier.
Justin King,
This feature would be a great add on to the Assets toolset. At times, you may not know which area within the Object Schema an asset should go. Having the ability to change the type would be much easier than exporting / importing or even typing the data all over again. Please prioritize this feature.
Thank you.
Tonya Briggity-Wells
Hi all,
for those who can not wait for this to getting live in product. I have achieved throughout some DB script. Here you go my #successstory below.
Success Story: Transforming Jira Assets Data Model
Ahmet Kilic
Enterprise Agility Consultant at catworkx
This wouldn't be so bad if you could move while cloning...but both options are missing.
A potential alterative here would be the ability to direct Imports to an existing Object Type, instead of always creating a new one.
Thank you.
This is a feature we are sure we want to address as a part of our roadmap for Assets. Unfortunately it has not yet been scheduled as a number of other important features are being addressed first. I'll provide more updates as this changes.
All the best,
Justin King
Product Manager, Jira Service Management.
I just spent a good while adding a good number of assets in an object type, only to find out that the automation capabilities aren't compatible with my needs & the object schema I setup.
The ability to relocate the objects to a different object type would instantly solve my issue... however WITHOUT the ability to relocate assets within the object types.. it looks like I'm going to have to start from scratch to fix my error.
This would make my life a LOT easier. Please consider implementing.
Yes, please make this so! Exporting/importing does not maintain object references.
Thanks very much for your input on this suggestion. It is our intention that this be possible in future, however it's not on our immediate roadmap. Our focus at the moment is on:
- Increasing Insight's scalability to support many more objects and allowing larger imports.
- Making our API's available on Forge.
- Improving and harmonising the Insight user experience with the rest of JSM / Atlassian.
I'll provide further updates as this is scheduled in our roadmap.
All the best,
Justin King
Product Manager, Jira Service Management
+1 that really needs this feature to make this part of Jira work as intended. As it is now we need workarounds for things that should be easy and intuitive- as it was before going to cloud.
+1 Desperately need this feature brought to cloud please. Had this in server and was used regularly. I see this has been here for over a year. Any idea on when it will be implemented? This negatively effects our organizations ability to use this software effectively in a serious way. Hope to see this fixed soon. Thanks!
+1 We would really like to see this feature or a workaround implemented. It seems like a basic requirement to allow reorganisation of object types as organisational needs change
PLEASE add this feature, I really thought this would already be a thing until i needed it.
+1 we need the ability to move objects as well. manual and automation please
Realy important feature. Please urgently put on the roadmap!
This seems like a must have. I see the issue was created nearly a year ago. IS this on a roadmap yet?
How is this not possible yet? This is a basic feature that is needed immediately. This was available on our on-premise solution (back when it was owned by Riada) and we used this quite frequently in the past. Incredibly disappointed that this has not been implemented.