When a user lacks the 'Browse Users' global permission and attempts to create a user-based search they get the following error:
"The JIRA server was contacted but has returned an error response. We are unsure of the result of this operation."
Users should either get an error that they lack permission or better, should not have the basic search options for searching on a user at all. Either way, it looks like a system failure. This error gets people calling the admin team, asking why Jira is failing.
Adding to above observations:
- Basic search allows users to search for other users and then throw the error mentioned above.
- Advanced search will allow search for only assignee = 'currentUser() ' and other users are not selectable which is blocker.
- Need to assign the users to one of the groups with global permission 'Browse Users'.
Is there any estimated time to have any progress on this topic we have 20 clients waiting for a solution. Please increase the priority for this solution.
Thank you