Resolution: Unresolved
There are cases where a sprint is closed by mistake, then it is reopened, adjusted, and closed again. The COMPLETE_DATE column of the AO_60DB71_SPRINT table is the information used at the Sprint Report (and others), and this information is always updated each time you close the sprint again.
Sometimes, though, the sprint is completed by mistake and the reports should consider the correct complete date, but instead it considers the latest complete date which, on these cases, will be after the reopening.
The End Date is more accurate, but it wouldn't make sense as the complete date could be different than what is filled at the End Date. For example:
- Create Sprint A and set it's End Date as 02/05/2020
- Complete sprint at 03/05/2020. The Completed Date will be 03/05/2020
- Reopen the Sprint A at 04/05/2020 because there were some missing stories from another sprint that were done at Sprint A. Include these stories at the sprint, and complete it again. The Completed Date will be 04/05/2020.
- The Sprint Report will be generated considering the COMPLETE_DATE, which was at 04/05/2020, which is understandable, however, the correct close date was 03/05/2020. Neither END_DATE not COMPLETE_DATE stores this date for the sprint to work correctly.
Current Workaround
It is needed database manipulation to change this information, which is not supported by Atlassian and could lead to further errors.
A few suggestions:
- Have the Completed Date field at the Sprint Report to be editable so the user can input the date he wants, or
- Have the COMPLETE_DATE field editable when completing the sprint, or
- Have a third field like "ORIGINAL_CLOSED_DATE" which will always inform the date the sprint was first closed, by mistake or not.