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Uploaded image for project: 'Jira Data Center'
  1. Jira Data Center
  2. JRASERVER-70108

Mouse Click and return/enter in JQL edit have different outcomes

      Issue Summary

      If you open saved filter and edit it you must execute a search before you can save, this is working as intended. However there is an error occuring on the method used to trigger the search and there a difference in outcome when you trigger the search via the enter/return key or if you click the "Search" button with your mouse before you save, Noting this is a cosmetic error only but does cause confusion as to wether the save was successful not leaving behind a "Edited" identifier intended to tell the user the filter needs to be saved although it already has been saved.


      Jira Server verified on multiple 7.x and 8.x versions
      For Jira Cloud See corresponding BUG: https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/JRACLOUD-73145

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Open a Saved filter in the issue navigator
      2. edit the filter in any way
      3. Note that next to the JQL's title a object "Edited" appears noting a change occurred to the filter and it needs to be saved
      4. Click the search button with your mouse
      5. Click Save
      6. a popup noting the save was successful will appear in the upper right corner of the active browser window
      7. Note the "Edited" notation goes away
      8. Note that the filter is saved correctly
      9. Make another change to the filter
      10. Note the "Edited" notation re-appears
      11. This time Hit return/enter key to trigger the search
      12. Select save
      13. a popup noting the save was successful will appear in the upper right corner of the active browser window

      Expected Results

      It is expected that the Edited notation will go away noting the current filter displayed is correct without any pending edits needed to be saved before navigating from the page

      Actual Results

      While the filter is correctly saved it will still display the "Edited" object causing confusion to the end user that is not sure if the filter has actually saved correctly or not


      The "Edited" notation is class "filter-edited-object"


      Using the mouse click to search before saving will make the edited notation go away to provide verification the filter was saved, BUT it is not necessarily needed as the save action is completing and and a popup will note successful as well so the edited notation is only a cosmetic error, But just to be on the save side you can also re-open the filter in a new tab just to verify the save was successful so you do not navigate away and loose track of the filter changes.

          Form Name

            IMPORTANT: JAC is a Public system and anyone on the internet will be able to view the data in the created JAC tickets. Please don’t include Customer or Sensitive data in the JAC ticket.
            Uploaded image for project: 'Jira Data Center'
            1. Jira Data Center
            2. JRASERVER-70108

            Mouse Click and return/enter in JQL edit have different outcomes

                Issue Summary

                If you open saved filter and edit it you must execute a search before you can save, this is working as intended. However there is an error occuring on the method used to trigger the search and there a difference in outcome when you trigger the search via the enter/return key or if you click the "Search" button with your mouse before you save, Noting this is a cosmetic error only but does cause confusion as to wether the save was successful not leaving behind a "Edited" identifier intended to tell the user the filter needs to be saved although it already has been saved.


                Jira Server verified on multiple 7.x and 8.x versions
                For Jira Cloud See corresponding BUG: https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/JRACLOUD-73145

                Steps to Reproduce

                1. Open a Saved filter in the issue navigator
                2. edit the filter in any way
                3. Note that next to the JQL's title a object "Edited" appears noting a change occurred to the filter and it needs to be saved
                4. Click the search button with your mouse
                5. Click Save
                6. a popup noting the save was successful will appear in the upper right corner of the active browser window
                7. Note the "Edited" notation goes away
                8. Note that the filter is saved correctly
                9. Make another change to the filter
                10. Note the "Edited" notation re-appears
                11. This time Hit return/enter key to trigger the search
                12. Select save
                13. a popup noting the save was successful will appear in the upper right corner of the active browser window

                Expected Results

                It is expected that the Edited notation will go away noting the current filter displayed is correct without any pending edits needed to be saved before navigating from the page

                Actual Results

                While the filter is correctly saved it will still display the "Edited" object causing confusion to the end user that is not sure if the filter has actually saved correctly or not


                The "Edited" notation is class "filter-edited-object"


                Using the mouse click to search before saving will make the edited notation go away to provide verification the filter was saved, BUT it is not necessarily needed as the save action is completing and and a popup will note successful as well so the edited notation is only a cosmetic error, But just to be on the save side you can also re-open the filter in a new tab just to verify the save was successful so you do not navigate away and loose track of the filter changes.

                        gcardoso@atlassian.com Gonçalo Cardoso
                        emccutcheon Earl McCutcheon
                        Affected customers:
                        1 This affects my team
                        1 Start watching this issue


                            gcardoso@atlassian.com Gonçalo Cardoso
                            emccutcheon Earl McCutcheon
                            Affected customers:
                            1 Vote for this issue
                            1 Start watching this issue
