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    • We collect Jira feedback from various sources, and we evaluate what we've collected when planning our product roadmap. To understand how this piece of feedback will be reviewed, see our Implementation of New Features Policy.

      Problem Definition

      Table projectroleactor is used for storing project level permissions, example:

      select * from projectroleactor;
        id   |  pid  | projectroleid |          roletype          |  roletypeparameter
       10000 |       |         10000 | atlassian-group-role-actor | jira-users
       10001 |       |         10001 | atlassian-group-role-actor | jira-developers
       10002 |       |         10002 | atlassian-group-role-actor | jira-administrators
       10106 | 10001 |         10000 | atlassian-group-role-actor | jira-users
       10107 | 10001 |         10002 | atlassian-group-role-actor | jira-administrators
       11300 | 10800 |         10002 | atlassian-group-role-actor | jira-administrators
       11301 | 10800 |         10001 | atlassian-group-role-actor | jira-developers
       11303 | 10800 |         10000 | atlassian-group-role-actor | jira-administrators
       11703 | 11000 |         10002 | atlassian-user-role-actor  | admin

      Table config:

      \d projectroleactor;
                  Table "public.projectroleactor"
            Column       |          Type          | Modifiers
       id                | numeric(18,0)          | not null
       pid               | numeric(18,0)          |
       projectroleid     | numeric(18,0)          |
       roletype          | character varying(255) |
       roletypeparameter | character varying(255) |
          "pk_projectroleactor" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
          "role_pid_idx" btree (pid)
          "role_player_idx" btree (projectroleid, pid)
      • Columns ROLETYPE and ROLETYPEPARAMETER is being used during data loading in getProjectIdsContainingRoleActorByKeyAndType
      • which is used in API getProjectIdsContainingRoleActorByNameAndType
      • and it's being used in ViewUserProjectRoles page (URL: secure/admin/user/ViewUserProjectRoles!default.jspa)

      Produced SQL:

      2019-09-23 19:37:19,973 http-nio-8080-exec-5 admin 1176x480x1 vphgel /secure/admin/user/ViewUserProjectRoles!default.jspa 2ms "SELECT DISTINCT PID FROM public.projectroleactor WHERE ROLETYPE='atlassian-user-role-actor' AND ROLETYPEPARAMETER='admin'"

      Suggested Solution

      Add an extra cover index (ROLETYPEPARAMETER, ROLETYPE, ID) (in that order since ROLETYPE has only 2 values) to the table to reduce DB load and improve loading time.


      Add index manually.

      • Example for MSSQL
        CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [idx_role_type_param_pid] ON [dbo].[projectroleactor] ([ROLETYPEPARAMETER], [ROLETYPE], [ID])

            [JRASERVER-70003] Add role_type_param_pid index to the projectroleactor table

            No work has yet been logged on this issue.

              Unassigned Unassigned
              ayakovlev@atlassian.com Andriy Yakovlev [Atlassian]
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