Resolution: Timed out
Medium (View bug fix roadmap)
Severity 2 - Major
Please help to update the documentation : https://confluence.atlassian.com/adminjiraserver072/connecting-jira-applications-to-oracle-828787564.html
for all the JIRA version, to include the expected collation (BINARY) configuration as outline by this Knowledge Base
The collation configuration is missing and this is vital towards correct configuration of JIRA (impacting lexorank functionality). This is to avoid unnecessary downtime and effort on customer side to correct this.
Form Name |
[JRASERVER-62685] Update 'Connecting JIRA to Oracle' documentation for collation
Resolution | New: Timed out [ 10 ] | |
Status | Original: Gathering Impact [ 12072 ] | New: Closed [ 6 ] |
Current Status |
{panel:title=Atlassian Update – 22 August 2019|borderStyle=solid|borderColor=#ebf2f9 | titleBGColor=#ebf2f9 | bgColor=#ffffff}
Hi everyone, After reviewing the overall customer interest and impact of this bug report we have decided to close this issue down. Our analysis has shown that over time this issue hasn't collected a significant number of votes, watchers, comments, or support cases from customers and therefore has remained very low on our priority list. Given these findings we can conclude it will not be fixed in the foreseeable future and wish to be transparent about our priorities by closing it as *Timed Out*. Although we're aware this issue may be still important to those of you who were involved in the initial conversations around it, we want to be clear by managing your expectations regarding the likelihood of a fix for it. The Jira team do their best to prioritise the issues that have high and critical impact with broad pervasiveness reflected in series of different factors. You can learn more about this by reading our [Bug Fixing Policy|https://confluence.atlassian.com/support/atlassian-bug-fixing-policy-201294573.html]. To see what the Jira team is currently working on and has recently delivered see the following dashboards: * [Jira Server and Data Center: Recently resolved issues|https://jira.atlassian.com/secure/Dashboard.jspa?selectPageId=85597] * [Jira Server and Data Center: Current work and future plans|https://jira.atlassian.com/secure/Dashboard.jspa?selectPageId=85890] * [Jira Server and Data Center: Bug Fix Board|https://jira.atlassian.com/secure/RapidBoard.jspa?rapidView=2418] We understand that hearing a decision like this can be disappointing, but we hope you'll appreciate our transparent approach to product priorities and communications. We will continue to watch this issue for further updates, so please feel free to share any thoughts in the comments. Thank you, Pawel Drygas, Jira Server Bugmaster {panel} |
Labels | Original: database oracle | New: database incomplete low-interest no-affect-version obsolete oracle |
Workflow | Original: JAC Bug Workflow v2 [ 2836228 ] | New: JAC Bug Workflow v3 [ 2925740 ] |
Symptom Severity | Original: Major [ 14431 ] | New: Severity 2 - Major [ 15831 ] |
Workflow | Original: JIRA Bug Workflow w Kanban v7 - Restricted [ 2563924 ] | New: JAC Bug Workflow v2 [ 2836228 ] |
Status | Original: Verified [ 10005 ] | New: Gathering Impact [ 12072 ] |
Workflow | Original: JIRA Bug Workflow w Kanban v6 - Restricted [ 1608844 ] | New: JIRA Bug Workflow w Kanban v7 - Restricted [ 2563924 ] |
Labels | Original: affects-server documentation | New: database oracle |
Assignee | Original: sirons [ sirons ] | New: Wazza [ wthompson ] |
Story Points | New: 8 |
Story Points | New: 8 |