
      According to Associating Issue Types with Projects :

      7. Set the Default Issue Type for the new scheme from the dropdown list.

      • The Issue Type is remembered as long as you keep creating issues in the same project. Once you change projects or log off the system, it goes back to the default value.

      This is true that the issue type will go back to the default value when i logout and login to JIRA again but this is not true if i change project or create an issue from another project. After clicking on another project or creating an issue on another project, when i go back to the affected project, the issue type does not go back to the default value.

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Configure a default issue type. For this example i will use Release as the default issue type.
      2. Create an issue with another Issue type besides Release , for example Task
      3. Create another issue from another project
      4. Go back to or create another issue in the previous project with the issue type Release

      Expected Results

      • The default issue type displayed should be Release

      Actual Results

      • The last selected issue type is displayed (Task)

          Form Name

            [JRASERVER-44632] Default issue type does not reset after changing project

            No work has yet been logged on this issue.

              Unassigned Unassigned
     Adrian Stephen
              Affected customers:
              18 This affects my team
              16 Start watching this issue
