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      User Story:
      As a Product Manager

      I want to add Milestones to my Roadmap

      So that I can visually communicate significant dates on my roadmap to stakeholders


      Acceptance Criteria

      1. User can create milestone(s) against a roadmap.
      2. User can give the milestone a name and description(and specify a date)
      3. Milestones should appear as lines on the chart (similar to the way current date works).
      4. The user can drag the milestone to different dates.
      5. The user should see the name of a milestone is on the roadmap view.
      6. User can add and remove milestones from the view using the filters above the main chart.
      7. A user can select a milestone to edit or delete it.



            [JRACLOUD-91595] Milestones for Basic Roadmaps

            SET Analytics Bot made changes -
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            Tanya Maddalena made changes -
            Assignee Original: Tanya Maddalena [ 36002489251d ] New: Shilpa Airi [ 6d9c235ccde3 ]
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            UIS Original: 2396 New: 2331

              6d9c235ccde3 Shilpa Airi
              fcb03cf126cf joseph.brown
              2363 Vote for this issue
              691 Start watching this issue
