Resolution: Unresolved
Issue Summary
Deleted the Production env from github repo settings, and still can see that being reflected in Jira "deployments" tab
Steps to Reproduce
- Created a commit to trigger a deployment
- Deployment got registered into the ticket
- Delete that particular envinronment from github repo setting
Expected Results
Deployment would be removed from https://github.com/<workspace>/<repo>/deployments and in the Jira ticket for the deleted environment
Actual Results
Deleted that particular environment from github repo settings
- I can still see that deployment in https://github.com/<workspace>/<repo>/deployments (not tagged to any env)
and it still reflects in my Jira ticket
- Still reflects in my KAN-10 ticket
Currently there is no known workaround for this behavior. A workaround will be added here when available
Keeping track of environments is crucial for QA to plan and run tests smoothly. Right now, the lack of sync between GitHub and Jira can mess us up by having us test in the wrong or outdated environment, which hurts our ability to guarantee quality.