Resolution: Unresolved
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Problem Definition
When hitting "Enter" in the Description and Comments field of the issue, it's creating double-spacing between the lines.
For some use cases, it is better to not double space the paragraph when hitting "enter":
Suggested Solution
When the user hits Enter, use single spacing in the paragraph.
User can hit Shift + Enter for single-spaced new lines.
[JRACLOUD-75312] Double space on issue description and comments
There are a lot of people in our team waiting for this fix.
Thanks for taking ownership of this issue.
Thank you e8ea7073596c for responding.
I do hope that there can be some priority given to this issue. Please note this ticket is over 4 years old and there is no work around.
Hi everyone,
Thank you for your patience. I’m one of the product managers on the Editor team, and I’ll be taking ownership of this ticket moving forward. We’ll be considering it for review in the next planning cycle. While I can’t provide a firm commitment at this stage, I want to reassure you that we’re not overlooking this. We will re-evaluate our roadmap in the coming months. In the mean time, feel free to provide any constructive feedback in the thread.
Thanks again for your understanding!
I just send an email to a handfull of mails of people working on Atlassian products which I managed to found email addresses online.
Hopefully one of them will actually care to have this ticket back on the workflow.
Desperate times calls for desperate measures, the ticket is older than my daughter !
Fingers crossed !
1965e5c0a44d It appears that the reporter/assignee no longer are part of this team. We're trying to find anyone from atlassian that can address this ticket. It's over 4yrs old and not one response.
Please fix this. When copying/pasting emails/writing into the comment section it uses double spaces. You can't use Shift Enter to stop this so have to manually go through and backspace the extra lines.
The default spacing makes certain formatting take up WAY too much space.
please fix pasting with double spacing: when pasting 100 log lines into a ticket it's very annoying to have to edit every line
I find the double spacing to be annoying and it requires more scrolling on long comments. If I want a double space, I prefer to have the option to do it myself.
Hi all,
I noticed that if you pass the text that you want to paste via notepad, then there is no space between lines when pasted on Jira.
Anyway, Tom Gilbert's (the guy who has this tichet assigned) last activity was on 6th Auust 2019, so I guess there will be no fix for this....
This ticket was created over 3 years ago and both the reporter and assignee are inactive (no longer with the company?)
I wonder if anyone at Atlassian is even seeing this ticket???
I also hate this double spacing feature - particularly annoying when I am pasting text. Why hasn't it been fixed ?
Please at least provide a way to reformat it
My team and I also hate this 'feature', we set up a meeting for tomorrow to discuss how to solve all the issues we are having with switching over to the cloud based Jira and having this downgrade being forced upon us. Let enter be single spaced!
@622e9babfdfc thank you but pasting with CTRL+SHIFT+V isn't sufficient. Consider an email that has various styles - bold, underline, italics, links, etc. If I Paste As Plain Text I avoid this awful double spacing, but I lose other rich text features.
This really seems like an easily fixed issue, and looking and the number of one-sided comments here, the user community has spoken and we all agree.
This ticket was opened 3 years ago. Can someone from the JIRACLOUD team please respond with an update to this issue?
Please remove the double spacing as the default in Jira.
I don’t mind using <CTRL> + <ENTER> sparingly in Confluence, where I think additional spacing between paragraphs can be useful for reading articles. But for Jira comments or even issue definition, I agree, double / 1.5 spacing is a poor default choice.
Please fix this. We're migrating to Jira in my organization. This issue is one of several resulting in the phrase "terrible UE" being used in regard to Jira.
+121334 Remove Double Spacing when hitting Enter and default to Single. I'd rather hit Enter twice when I actually need it, than have to hit SHIFT-ENTER to get what I use almost always.
Hi all,
Same problem has been seen on Trello :
Please support the change request here : https://support.atlassian.com/requests/TRELLO-171402?src=email
Or the community discussion here : https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Trello-discussions/Very-bad-efficiency-of-text-edit-double-spacing-emoji-shortcut/m-p/2507622#M3431
Lets make these features disapear all at once !
Best !
@622e9babfdfc thank you for this, but pasting with ctrl + V as a fix does not work when you are typing a new entry into Jira.
It also depends on what software you are pasting into, outside of Jira.
It does work if you copy any double-spaced text and the paste into a Microsoft editor, for example, but won't work in many other editors. And especially not in Jira itself where you are forced to use double-spacing.
I wish someone from the product team would explain the rationale behind introducing this double space "feature."
I use Jira all day and it is such a pain point. The workaround to Shift+Enter every line to get single spacing is way more challenging than if I had to press Enter twice to get double spacing. I am so confused about why this is the way it is. Someone please explain!!
In scenario where i want to paste in rich text content, I can use: Paste as Plain Text (Ctr Shift V) in Windows. See this image 👉 b548a3ef5d4b2746574abbd385596e74ea5f4460.png (450×226) (discourse-cdn.com)
In a scenario where I want to manually type in content, I use the Shift + Enter for my line breaks.
These 2 work arounds are supported in Confluence as well.
Can Atlassian please resolve the doublespacing issue?
This is just silly that a vendor will not address an issue they introduced themselves where the community as a whole sides against it. Sure, new clients will not be any wiser of this flaw but the rest of us know better.
And I'm sorry, having to perform other key stroke as a work around is not acceptable. It's like saying, "you don't want to gain weight, just stop eating".
I also can't image that the fix for this is that complicated the Atlassian can't figure it out... If that is the case, tell us what you can't do and let us do that for you. This community consists of some pretty intelligent people.
The workaround is for typing one line, but if you paste a block of text it does not work, so you should remove this "workaround" above because it is not a valid workaround, thanks.
@rachel crossman
Can we please get an update on this issue?
This ticket has been floating around for over a year.
I couldn't have said it better myself. It just doesn't make sense.
So many good features have been added to Jira over the years, you just have this one glaring inconsistency, why?
Why would you force the user to double-space everything? It's a bad rule to force user behaviour.
Please remove the forced (and un-removable) double-spacing.
You do not see this in any other tools. Can you imagine if Gmail or Visual Studio or Outlook did this? Of course they don't.
You have such a rich set of formatting options, including many options not found in similar products: you let users choose font family, colour, a basic styling system, yet you force everyone to always double-space everything.
Why would you? It's clearly annoying for the vast majority.
Ironically, back in the early days of Jira, this annoyance wasn't there.
With the original basic text editor you could easily single or double-space. Back then, if you had a larger block of text you could read it all on one screen without having to scroll, which is what you have to do now, to read longer comments.
I urge you to look at the user feedback. How hard can it be to just remove the forced double-spacing? Or offer a new paragraph style or button to toggle off this unwanted formatting behaviour.
It'd be a very welcome QOL fix if this was fixed.
Makes it look like I don't know how to format my messages.
Super annoying.
Like look at this paragraph, it now has 3 lines between it and the last one.
That's a bit silly.
omg I meant to add a comment too on this yesterday after being frustrated and having to create my doc in another app and then copying it into my ticket.
Hey Atlassian Crew! I was just chatting with a fellow admin at my institution and we both wondered about this, and why it's configured this way in the first place. Probably not top of the stack of feature requests but it'd be great to get fixed
It's a waste of space and it drives people crazy when doing copy paste of external notes into comments.
I noticed that if I paste via Chrome's "Edit -> Paste and Match Style" (or is this a macOS feature? I can't reacall) Jira does not double space what I've pasted in
This is so obnoxious! Whenever I paste something in, it automatically double spaces it and I have to go through and manually remove all the double spacing because it makes it too difficult to read. I don't know who thought this design feature was a good thing because EVERYONE complains about it!
The funny part is the extra spacing is removed when viewing your comment in the email from Jira.
Hello, I just saw the comment above from @RachelCrossman (the pings doesn't work it seems).
Reducing the line spacing is not enough. WE DON'T WANT LINE SPACING.
If we do, we will hit Enter to jump a line by ourselves.
It's a waste of space and it drives people crazy when doing copy paste of external notes into comments.
Please remove this ASAP.
Just look at this comment how dumb it looks with all the white space !!
Hi Rachel,
I didn't see your message until now. The reduction in spacing is slightly helpful but does not solve the problem. Hopefully this will eventually get removed or give users the option to disable.
Forcing new lines in the body of a message is a waste of space. You don't see this in email tools like gmail and that form of written communication is much more formal than Jira tickets. I don't even like how this message has added spacing to the new line.
I am discovering this terrible "feature" is still not fixed to this day.
How this is even possible ?
Fantastic news e8ea7073596c ! Thank you for catching up on this one ! Not sure that my message in a bottle at sea send by mail yesterday is a coincidence but anyways it is good to have a feedback.
I look forward for a fix
Please note that this issue is in Jira but is also present in Trello's comments and it's very annoying. Its even worsened by a text edit feature which prompts the emoji shortcut list whenever typing ":" (which happens all the time)
More info on this request : https://support.atlassian.com/requests/TRELLO-171402/ (Not sure is there are other tickets related - we have no rights to view the issue links)
Please consider linking both issues and maybe editing the problem description in this ticket.